course information of 106 - 2 | 0257 Education History of Taiwan(台灣教育史)

Taught In English0257 - 台灣教育史 Education History of Taiwan

教育目標 Course Target

教育為百年樹人之事業,是國家社會未來發展的礎石。就歷史的演進觀之,文教之興衰往往左右社會風氣、階層流動及人才動向。本課程旨在介紹臺灣從荷西時期以迄戰後學校教育的演變,並引導學生學習解讀檔案文獻、圖像等歷史資料,建立歷史思維和批判思考之能力,進而涵養其關心現代臺灣教育和社會的素養。Education is a century-old career and is the stone of the future development of the national society. In view of the evolution of history, the decline of culture and education often influences social atmosphere, level movement and talent trends. This course aims to introduce the evolution of Taiwan's school education from the Jose era through the post-war period, and guide students to learn and interpret historical data such as document texts and images, establish the ability of historical thinking and critical thinking, and thus enrich their attention to the cultivation of modern Taiwanese education and society.

參考書目 Reference Books

4.鶴見(Tsurumi, Patricia E.)著、林正芳譯,《日治時期臺灣教育史》,宜蘭:仰山文教基金會,1999。

1. Wu Wenxing, "Research on the Education of Taiwanese Teachers in Japan during the Japanese Period", Taipei: Institute of History, Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 1983.
2. You Jianming, "Women's Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Period", Taipei: Institute of History, Taiwan University of Teachers, 1988.
3. Editor of Peng Huisheng, "History of Education in Taiwan", Kaohsiung: Liwen Culture, 2009.
4. Written by Tsurumi (Patricia E.), translated by Lin Zhengfang, "History of Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Reign", Yilan: Yangshan Cultural and Education Foundation, 1999.
5. Du Wuzhi, "Collaborative Education in the Japanese Reign", Taipei: Taipei County Cultural Center, 1997.
6. Zhang Liu carefully edited, "History of Education Development in Taiwan", Luozhou City, Taipei County: National Air University, 2005.
7. Lin Maosheng, "School Education in Taiwan under Japanese rule: Its Development and Historical Analysis and Exploration on Culture", Taipei: New Nature Theory, 2000.
8. Xu Peixian, "Modern Schools in Colonial Taiwan", Taipei: Far, 2005.
9. Zhuang Jinde, "Editor of Taiwan Education Historical Materials in the Qing Dynasty", Taipei: Taiwan Provincial Cultural Committee, 1973.
10. Wang Zhiting, "New Editing of Taiwan Education Historical Materials", Taipei: Taiwan Business, 1978.
11. Editorial group of Taiwan Provincial Education Hall and Taiwan Education Development Historical Materials Editorial Committee, "Taiwan Education Development Historical Materials Editorial Materials Editorial", Taiwan: Taiwan Provincial Taizhong Library, 1985.
12. Author of Taiwan Education Association, edited by the Taiwan Cultural Museum of the National History Museum, translated by Xu Xiqing, "Taiwan Education History Journal (Chinese Version)", Nantou: Taiwan Cultural Museum, National History Museum, 2010.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
30 出席及上課態度、上課發言與討論
Normal operation
10 隨堂作業1篇,根據指定閱讀書目撰寫論文摘要,內容須包括論文名稱、內容要點、問題點、結論。字數以一張A4為限。
Midterm Report
30 根據課堂所介紹之史料,撰寫史料介紹及分析報告一篇。
Final exam
30 舉行紙筆測驗

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡秀美
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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