course information of 106 - 2 | 0251 History of Northern Peoples-Nuchen(北亞民族史--女真)

Taught In English0251 - 北亞民族史--女真 History of Northern Peoples-Nuchen

教育目標 Course Target

1. 培養學生的歷史思維,建構主體性的歷史意識。 2. 培養歷史思維的能力,思辨「過去」與「現在﹧未來」的互動關係,迎接全球化所導致的各種變數。 3. 養成能夠具有多元化的視野與開放容忍差異的心態。1. Cultivate students' historical thinking and construct subjective historical ideas. 2. Cultivate the ability to think about history, think about the interaction between "the past" and "the present future", and welcome the various changes caused by globalization. 3. To develop a different mindset with diversified vision and openness to tolerance.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 姚從吾著,《姚從吾先生全集》,《二冊 遼朝史》、《三冊 金朝史》、《四冊 元朝史》,(台北:正中書局,1972)。
2. 張正明著,《契丹史略》,(台北:爾雅)。
3. 金毓黻著,《宋遼金史》,(台北:臺灣商務,1977)。
4. 多桑 ,馮承鈞譯,《多桑蒙古史》,(台北:正中書局)。
5. 黎傑編著,《元史》,(台北:九思,1978)。
6. 蕭啟慶著,《元代史新探》,(台北:新文豐,1983)。

1. Written by Yao Zhiwu, "Complete Works of Mr. Yao Zhiwu", "Two Books of the Dynasty History", "Three Books of the Jin Dynasty History", "Four Books of the Yuan Dynasty History", (Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau, 1972).
2. Zhang Zhengming, "A Brief History of Khitan", (Taipei: Erya).
3. Written by Jin Yufu, "History of Jin in Song Dynasty", (Taipei: Taiwan Business, 1977).
4. Duosang, Rong Chengyuan, "History of Duosang Mongolia", (Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau).
5. Li Jie, "History of Yuan Dynasty", (Taipei: Jiusi, 1978).
6. Written by Xun, "A New Exploration of History of the Yuan Dynasty", (Taipei: New Wenfeng, 1983).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期中考 20% 小考20% 到課10%期末考 30% 書面報告20%期中考 20% 小考20% 到課10%期末考 30% 書面報告20%
Midterm exam 20% Elementary exam 20% Up to class 10% Final exam 30% Written report 20%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[H209]
授課教師 Teacher:張天佑
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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