course information of 106 - 2 | 0245 Historical Methods (II): Historical(史學方法(下))

Taught In English0245 - 史學方法(下) Historical Methods (II): Historical

教育目標 Course Target

史學方法:(2) 史學理論 (99學年下學期 ) 丘為君, 2/22/2011 History Dept. Tunghai Univ. Tel: (04)359-0121 ext. 31306 email: echiu@thu.edu.tw Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00-5:00pm 教學目的: 本課程主要在訓練初入門的學生熟習歷史學與人文學研究的方法及其理論。本課程的重心在於研究方法的實踐方面,其最後目的在於養成文科學生備有獨立思考、探討與解決複雜問題的能力。 教學內容: 1)上學期的授課重點在於初階的史學方法應用部分。下學期的重心在於進階的史學理論(尤其是西方史學理論)方面。2)上下兩學期的課程設計都是由兩個部分所組成:理論與實踐。3)理論部分主要由教師在課堂上講解說明,配合此一講解的是由教師所製作的教學投影片。4)實踐部分主要在於訓練學生做資料的收集、整理、批判、分析,與闡釋。在實踐部分這一方面,它主要涵蓋兩部分:其一是基礎訓練,任務是根據二手文獻以完成兩篇具有批判性質的論文摘要(中、英文文獻各一篇)。其二是整合訓練,任務是完成一篇具有學術研究性質的學期報告「文獻回顧」(上學期)與「研究設計」(下學期)。這兩篇學期報告是前後互相呼應的。 Textbooks: Robert Shafer, 《史學方法》 (A Guide To Historical Method) (台北:五南) Grading: Book review: 20% (10% x 2); Term paper (研究設計): 30%; Final Exam: 30%; Class participation 20% Historical methods: (2) Historical theory (The second period of 99 years) Qiu Weijun, 2/22/2011 History Dept. Tunghai Univ. Tel: (04)359-0121 ext. 31306 email: echiu@thu.edu.tw Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00-5:00pm Teaching purpose: This course mainly trains students who have just entered the school to mature the methods and theory of historical and humanities research. The focus of this course is on the practical aspects of research methods, and its ultimate goal is to cultivate the ability of liberal arts students to think independently, explore and solve complex problems. Teaching content: 1) The focus of the teaching in the previous period is on the application of early-level historical methods. The focus of the next period is on advanced historical theory (especially Western historical theory). 2) The course designs for the two sessions are composed of two parts: theory and practice. 3) The theoretical part is mainly explained by the teacher in the classroom. In conjunction with this explanation, the teaching projection film produced by the teacher. 4) The actual part is mainly about training students to collect, organize, criticize, analyze and analyze data. In this aspect, it mainly covers two parts: one is basic training, and the task is to complete two critical abstracts of the articles based on second-hand documents (one article in Chinese and English). The second is integrated training, and the task is to complete a academic report "Class Request" (Part 1) and "Research Design" (Next 2) with academic research nature. These two academic reports are in response to each other before and after. Textbooks: Robert Shafer, "A Guide To Historical Method" (Taipei: Wunan) Grading: Book review: 20% (10% x 2); Term paper (research design): 30%; Final Exam: 30%; Class participation 20%

參考書目 Reference Books

Textbooks: Robert Shafer, 《史學方法》 (A Guide To Historical Method) (台北:五南)

Textbooks: Robert Shafer, "A Guide To Historical Method" (Taipei: Wunan)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[H304]
授課教師 Teacher:丘為君
修課班級 Class:歷史系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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