By the end of the course, students should be able to a) conduct their own academic research on a topic of their choosing, b) present the academic research and argument with accurate MLA citations, c) complete response papers analyzing literary works with sound logic, and d) avoid any form of plagiarism.By the end of the course, students should be able to a) conduct their own academic research on a topic of their choosing, b) present the academic research and argument with accurate MLA citations, c) complete response papers analyzing literature works with sound logic, and d) avoid any form of plagiarism.
As this the last of the Comp/Oral series, the main aim of this semester is to give a final shape and polish the skills of the students in both writing and in speech.
As this the last of the Comp/Oral series, the main aim of this semester is to give a final shape and poison the skills of the students in both writing and in speech.
Baldwin, James. Giovanni's Room. International ed. New York: Vintage, 2013. Print.
Wilson, August. The Piano Lesson. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2007. Print.
Baldwin, James. Giovanni's Room. International ed. New York: Vintage, 2013. Print.
Wilson, August. The Piano Lesson. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2007. Print.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Attendance and class participationAttendance and class participation attendance and class participation |
20 | Students are expected to participate actively in class discussions and in-class writing. |
Essay assignmentsEssay assignments essay assignments |
35 | Various writing strategies are required in each essay assignment. |
Research paperResearch paper research paper |
45 | 6-8 pages are required. |