course information of 106 - 2 | 0057 Taiwan's Language and Culture(台灣語言與文化)

Taught In English0057 - 台灣語言與文化 Taiwan's Language and Culture

教育目標 Course Target

台灣是由閩、客、原住民族等多元群族構成的複雜文化體,且官方語言「國語」(華語、普通話)深深影響了此文化體,本課程由近期探討台灣文化的影片「花甲男孩轉少年」切入,探討台灣的國語、閩南語語言接觸現象,並講授接觸語言學理論,以此,再延伸討論至「福佬客」等長期接受閩南文化的客家族群。本課程亦由現代音系學角度,探討音系操作的彈性空間,以及概述閩南共時音系、客家共時音系,並說明閩南、客家音系底下的內部次方言差異。台灣的原住民語言是南島語系統,本課程也將透過影片「賽德克巴來」,簡介南島民族的文化與語言系統。Taiwan is a complex cultural organization composed of diverse groups such as Hok, K, and indigenous peoples. The official language "Mandarin" (Chinese, Mandarin) deeply influences this culture. This course starts with the recent video "The Sixty-six Boy Turning Boy" that explores Taiwan's Chinese and Hokkien language contact phenomena, and teaches the theory of contact language. In this way, it will be extended to discuss Hakka groups such as "Fulaoke" that have long received Hokki culture. This course also explores the elastic space of the operation of the sound system from the perspective of modern sound department, as well as an overview of the Hokka temporal system and the Hakka temporal system, and explains the internal dialect differences under the Hokka and Hakka temporal system. Taiwan’s indigenous language is the South Island language system. This course will also introduce the culture and language system of the South Island nation through the video "Shi Dek Palais".

參考書目 Reference Books

1.陳筱琪 2016 圖解閩南語概論 五南出版社
2.游汝杰 周振鶴 1989 方言與中國文化 南天
1. Chen Xiaoqi 2016 Overview of Nan's Chinese Writings Wunan Publishing House
2. You Rujie Zhou Zhenfeng 1989 Dialect and Chinese Culture Nantian

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final report
30 文化議題探討,主題各組自訂
Classroom Learning Single
25 缺席者不可要求補交

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[H205]
授課教師 Teacher:陳筱琪
修課班級 Class:中文系3
選課備註 Memo:中文三優先
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 56 人。

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