course information of 106 - 2 | 0043 Topics on Reportage: Application and Documentary on Flora(報導專題:花草節令應用與紀實)

Taught In English0043 - 報導專題:花草節令應用與紀實 Topics on Reportage: Application and Documentary on Flora

教育目標 Course Target

※課程目標 (Course Objective) 1.網路化與全球化之下的生活環境,對跨領域知識的追求熱忱與運用能力,成為當代青年所必備。 2.共時授課,是高等教育界為此趨勢創設之課型,本課程自104學年度起,獲得「人文及社會跨界科學知識跨界應用能力培育計畫」,邀請與餐旅系專研香藥草教師共同規劃此跨領域課程,至今第三學年。 3.本學年更進而獲邀納入研發處USR「大學社會責任實踐計劃〈誠食夥伴.好氣社區〉課程」,因而課程勢需有所更張。 4.課程目標: (A)學習田野節令花、草、茶的生長習性、加工、應用, (B)對自然資源在「成、住、壞、空」的循環中,發揮:重複利用、創造產值的創意。 (C)體認:「個性」的社會意義,進而掌握休閒服務專業的精神:了解人性,尊重、賞識、解放個性。 (D)觀察並記錄,自然生態與人之間既簡約且複雜的辯證關係。 為達成以上目標,首需維護香草園區的生態完整,此過程將面對管理資源欠缺的問題。 5.本課程領導學生實作解決此問題的方向有二: (A)運用樸門農法施作,聘任合樸農學資深農夫協同教學與管理。 (B)擬與東海屬同一行政區域:福恩里之社區居民,規劃「大手牽小手」行動,互助共學。 6.課程在「共時授課」教師結合企業家贊助,與USR課群的雙重資源,信可讓學生獲得跨領域暨跨世代、豐富多元的學習層次,裨增能:採輯具社會深、廣度的生活素材,錘鍊紀實筆觸,創作發人深省的紀實文學。※Course Objective 1. The living environment under online and globalization, the pursuit of cross-domain knowledge, enthusiasm and ability to use has become a must for contemporary youth. 2. The course is a course created by the higher education community for this trend. Since the 104th year, this course has received the "Plan for the Cultivation of Cross-border Scientific Knowledge Cross-border Application Capacity in Humanities and Society". We invite specialized herb teachers from the Department of Catering and Tourism to plan this cross-domain course together, and it has been the third year of study. 3. In the current year, I was invited to join the USR "University Social Responsibility Preparation Program "Integrity Partners and Good Community" course", so the course needs to be updated. 4. Course objectives: (A) Learn the growth, processing and application of flowers, grass and tea in the fields. (B) In the cycle of "formation, existence, damage, and emptiness", natural resources develop: reuse and create production value. (C) Personality: the social meaning of "personality", and then master the spirit of professional leisure service: understand human nature, respect, appreciate, and liberate personality. (D) Observe and record the proof relationship between natural ecology and human beings. To achieve the above goals, it is necessary to maintain the ecological integrity of the Vanilla Garden area first, and this process will face the problems of lack of management resources. 5. There are two directions for leading students in this course to solve this problem: (A) Use Pudong Agricultural Method to implement it, and hire a cooperative teaching and management of farmers with senior agricultural education. (B) To comply with the same administrative area as Donghai: the community residents in Fuenli, plan the "big hands and small hands" action to help and learn mutually. 6. The course is sponsored by the "Symposium" teachers and the dual resources of the USR course group. It can enable students to obtain cross-regional and cross-generational, rich and diverse learning levels, and enhance their ability: adopt socially profound and diverse living materials, write practical writing, and create thought-provoking literature.

參考書目 Reference Books

2.《路上觀察學入門》/南 伸坊、藤森照信、赤瀨川原平合編,嚴可亭、黃碧君、林皎碧合譯,行人出版社,2014年5月。
8.《受壓迫者教育學》,Paulo Freire著,方永泉譯,巨流出版/2003
Self-edited speech
1. "The Core Value of Reporting Literature - An Analysis of "The Magazine of Humanity"/Written by Ruan Taoyuan, 2011/June
2. "Admission to the Entrance of the Road"/Editor Nan Shinfang, Fujimori Terunobu, Akagawahara Hei, Combined by Seung Keng, Huang Bijun, and Lin Jiaobi, Pedestrian Publishing House, May 2014.
3. "Postmodern History"
4. "Postmodern Historical Facts"
5. "Media Manipulation"/Written by Hangsky (Nom Jomsky), Jiang Li Meilu, Taipei, Maitian Publishing House.
6. "Novels"/Written by Lukachi, translated by Yang Hengda/Qiu Weijun.
7. Social and cultural human studies discussion/small place, big topic/[Written by Nothomas. Xulande Eriksen/Dong Weilu, Beijing/Business Printing House Press/2008
8. "Education of the Forced Person", written by Paulo Freire, translated by Fang Yongquan, published by Juliu/2003

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Actual field participation and active impulse
Is it important to communicate with the community to be enthusiastic?
Access record content quality and quantity

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[M244]
授課教師 Teacher:阮桃園/周碩雄
修課班級 Class:中文系2
選課備註 Memo:中文二優先;USR計畫課程,二教區上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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