course information of 106 - 2 | 0033 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice(詞曲選及習作)

Taught In English0033 - 詞曲選及習作 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice

教育目標 Course Target

「詞曲選與習作」為學年課,上學期以「詞」為範疇,下學期則進展到散曲、劇曲之賞析及習作。本學期課程將針對元代以來散曲與劇曲的形成與發展、形式特質與閱讀方法進行介紹,其後則擇選重要曲家及其作品作加以分析、鑑賞與討論;希望能透過這門課帶領大家欣賞元曲通俗自然之美,並在這樣的既有印象之上,進一步領會不同曲家之間的個別差異,以及該文體實則可能包含通俗與文雅的多變風格。唐詩、宋詞、元曲繼承了中國古典文學悠遠的抒情傳統,並在不同時期開展出不一樣的形式、內涵與情調,除了創造出一個時代最具代表性的文學成果,同時也成就了文學史上的璀璨篇章,並豐富了古典文學裡最重要的詩歌脈絡。 王國維在《宋元戲曲考》自序中曾提到:「凡一代有一代之文學:楚之騷,漢之賦,六代之駢語,唐之詩,宋之詞,元之曲,皆所謂一代之文學,而後世莫能繼焉者也。」說明了元代最重要的文學成就正在於曲的創作;又言道:「元曲之佳處何在?一言以蔽之,曰:自然而已矣。古今之大文學,無不以自然勝,而莫著於元曲。蓋元劇之作者,其人均非有名位學問也。其作劇也,非有藏之名山,傳之其人之意也。彼以意興之所至為之,以自娛娛人。關目之拙劣,所不問也;思想之卑陋,所不諱也;人物之矛盾,所不顧也。彼但摹寫其胸中之感想與時代之情狀,而真摯之理與秀傑之氣,時流露於其間。故謂元曲為中國最自然之文學,無不可也。」文字之間不僅肯定元曲在元代的成就,亦認為其堪稱中國最為自然之文學。 古典文學發展至宋元兩代開啟了另一條通俗文學的脈絡,相對於士大夫階級的創作, 散曲戲曲這一類的文本反而更能呈現當時群眾的生活內涵與情感,並展現另一種生動真誠、通俗自然的文章魅力,並成為我們藉以勾勒一個時代圖像的珍貴文字書寫。 這一門課將帶領同學進入曲的世界,藉由作品的研讀與分析,希望能與同學分享曲的藝術價值,作家的生命內涵,以及深藏在每一個作品裡的動人情思。"Lyrics and Songs" is the year class. In the first period, the "Lyrics" is used as a scope, and in the next period, the analysis and songs of Sanqu and Songs were carried out. This course will introduce the formation and development of the scattered songs and dramas since the Yuan Dynasty, the formal characteristics and reading methods, and then select important songwriters and their works to analyze, evaluate and discuss them. I hope that through this course, we can lead everyone to appreciate the popular and natural beauty of Yuan songs, and further follow the different differences between different songwriters on this existing impression, and the literary reality may contain a variety of changes in popular and elegant styles. Tang poetry, Song poetry and Yuan music inherit the lyrical tradition of Chinese classical literature, and exhibit different forms, connotations and emotions at different times. In addition to creating the most representative literary achievements of the era, it also creates brilliant chapters in literary history and enriches the most important poems and songs in classical literature. In his preface to "Song and Yuan Dynasty Song Qu" Wang Guowei mentioned: "Any generation has a generation of literature: Chu's pride, Han's pride, the six generations of verses, Tang's verses, Song's lyrics, and Yuan's verses are all the literatures of the generation, and no one can follow in later generations." He explained that the most important literary achievement of the Yuan Dynasty was the creation of the song; he also said: "Where is the best place for Yuan's verses? In a word, it is said: It's only natural. All the great literatures of ancient and modern times have been driven by nature, but no one has written about Yuan's verses. The authors of the Yuan Dynasty are not famous. Ask. His writing is not a famous mountain that has hidden a collection, but a person's intention. He uses the meaning of his mind to help others. He uses the clumsiness of his eyes to help others. The clumsiness of his eyes is not to be asked about; the humble thoughts are not to be ignored; the contradictions of the characters are not to be considered. He only imitates the feelings and the emotions of the times in his heart, and the truth and the atmosphere of the beautiful people are always revealed in it. Therefore, it is said that Yuan Qu is the most natural literature in China. "The text not only affirms the achievements of Yuan Qu in the Yuan Dynasty, but also believes that it is considered to be the most natural literature in China. Classical literature developed to the Song and Yuan dynasties and opened up another popular literature. Compared with the literati-official level creation, texts like Sanqu Ji and Qu can better present the life connotation and emotions of the crowd at that time, and show another vivid and honest, popular and natural charm of the article, and become a precious writing for us to outline an image of the era. This course will lead students into the world of music. Through the study and analysis of their works, we hope to share with students the artistic value of music, the writer's life connotation, and the moving emotions hidden in every work.

參考書目 Reference Books

Lyrics and song selection  
The selection of the songs in the past
Qu Hai Yizhu  
Three Hundred Yuan Songs  
Choice of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties
Summary of Confucianism
Dingquoise song
Beiqu New Song
Taihe Zhengyin Song
Simplified Chinese lyrics
Yumo Yu talk

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Study period report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0030 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice / 詞曲選及習作 (中文系4A,授課教師:李佳蓮,一/3,4[H307])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:高禎臨
修課班級 Class:中文系4B
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 66 人。

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