course information of 106 - 2 | 0027 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice(歷代文選及習作)

Taught In English0027 - 歷代文選及習作 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice

教育目標 Course Target

文學並非一切,但一切皆可為文學。所以透過文學作品的閱讀,可以裨益瞭解藝術,瞭解文化,更重要的,瞭解人生及人性。 我們期許文學能自傳統的教科書及科目考試中解放,使大眾皆能領略文學之美,進而創作、評斷文學。亦即,本課以程追求文學的生活化為目標,要在使同學能學習審視、沈思、書寫、表達內在的心靈世界,並深化對於古典文學作品的知識及涵養。本課程以斷代為綱,每一主題選取特定相關作品,或配合相關電影,除了解析、探討其中的美學與文化的質素外,更期望同學在研讀後,培養文學與美學的心靈,照見自我生命,能反思當下存在的意義。Literature is not everything, but everything can be literature. Therefore, through reading literary works, you can benefit from understanding art, culture, and more importantly, understanding life and human nature. We expect literature to be liberated from traditional textbooks and subject exams, so that the public can appreciate the beauty of literature and then create and review literature. That is, this course aims to pursue the life-oriented literature, and to enable students to learn the inner world of spirituality, and to deepen their knowledge and inclusion of classical literature works. This course is based on the substitution. For each topic, select specific related works, or cooperate with related movies. In addition to analyzing and exploring the aesthetic and cultural quality, it is also expected that students will cultivate the spirituality of literature and aesthetics after studying, see their own life, and be able to reflect on the meaning of existence at the moment.

課程概述 Course Description

A班: 本課程為三年級必修課,內容為研讀中國歷代古典散文、駢文,以及辭賦之名作,使學生認識歷代文章之嬗變,瞭解並欣賞各時期文章作品的風格特色與藝術成就,藉以培養學生閱讀與理解古文之能力。從經典作品的分析欣賞中,傳授學生歷代文章中之重要知識及觀念,並進而培養寫作之技術。 B班: 本課程為中文系大三必修課程。目的在於貫串中國古典散文之研究,使學生瞭解各時期散文之發展、成就與特色,充分研讀重要作家之作品,厚植學生對文言文之閱讀與理解能力,進一步掌握文言之寫作要領,具備文言寫作之能力。
Class A: This course is a three-year compulsory course, with the contents of reading classical Chinese essays, essays, and famous works from time to time, so that students can understand the evolution of ancient articles, understand and appreciate the style characteristics and artistic achievements of articles of various periods, so as to cultivate students' ability to read and understand ancient Chinese. From the analysis and appreciation of classic works, students teach important knowledge and concepts in articles over the age of generations, and then cultivate writing skills. Class B: This course is a compulsory course for junior high school in the Chinese department. The purpose is to focus on the study of classical Chinese prose, so that students can understand the development, achievements and characteristics of prose in various periods, fully study the works of important writers, cultivate students' reading and understanding skills in classical Chinese, further master the key points of classical Chinese, and have the ability to write classical Chinese.

參考書目 Reference Books

Editor-in-chief of Jiang Bing: "Selected Collection of Chinese Literature Appreciation" (Taipei: Zhuang Shou Publishing House)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Ancient Chinese writing
Midterm exam
Final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0024 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice / 歷代文選及習作 (中文系3A,授課教師:陳慶元,二/2,3,4[H304])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[H207]
授課教師 Teacher:郭章裕
修課班級 Class:中文系3B
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 62 人。

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