course information of 106 - 2 | 0026 Historical Chinese Phonology(聲韻學)

Taught In English0026 - 聲韻學 Historical Chinese Phonology

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為中文系語言學類課程。主要教學目的在使同學具備聲韻學基本知識,了解現代國語、方言與中古音系及語音演變的現象與規則。 課程的設計強調漢語歷史研究的「方法」、「觀念」與「材料」。由現代國語與漢語方言音系向上推展,銜接中古音系,研讀中古韻書、韻圖等文獻材料的同時,輔以歷史語言學中的比較方法理論,使同學了解如何構擬中古音系,並能進而研究上古音系。音系演變問題上則著重講授中古到現代及中古上推上古成系統的音變。 上半學期課程的焦點放在建構漢語史的架構與學習語音學基本知識。下半學期則側重於中古音與現代音的聯繫,藉由中古到現代的相關知識,說明漢語語音史的重建過程、方法與語言發展的理論模型。This course is a language course in the Chinese department. The main teaching purpose is to enable students to have basic knowledge of voice and understand the phenomena and rules of modern Chinese, dialects, medieval phonology and phonological changes. The design of the course emphasizes the "methods", "concepts" and "materials" of Han Dynasty history research. The modern Chinese and Han dialect pronunciation system is promoted upward, connecting the medieval pronunciation system, studying medieval fuji books, fuji pictures and other literary materials, while using the comparative methodological theory in historical language, so that students can understand how to structure the medieval pronunciation system and can further study the ancient pronunciation system. In terms of the problem of musical evolution, the musical changes from medieval to modern and medieval systems are focused on the medieval transformation. The focus of the first half of the course is on the structure of the Chinese language history and the learning of basic knowledge of vocalization. In the second half of the study, the connection between medieval and modern sounds is focused on the connection between medieval and modern sounds. Through the relevant knowledge from medieval to modern, it explains the reconstruction process, methods and theoretical models of language development of Han's phonetic history.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.竺家寧(1991)《聲韻學》 五南出版社。
3.何大安(2004)《聲韻學中的觀念與方法》 大安出版社
5. R.M.W .Dixon.1997. The rise and fall of Languages Cambridge University press (中譯本:《語言的興衰》,郭必之翻譯,中央研究院,2014。)

1. Zhu Jianing (1991) "Speaking and Sense" Wunan Publishing House.
2. Tang Zuofan's "Synthetic Tutorial (Fifth Edition)" Beijing University Press.
3. He Da'an (2004) "Concepts and Methods in Sound" Da'an Publishing House
4. Dong Tonghe's "Han Voice and Music" Literature and History Philosophy Publishing House
5. R.M.W .Dixon.1997. The rise and fall of Languages ​​Cambridge University press (Chinese translation: "The Fall of Language", translated by Guo Bizhi, Institute of Central Research, 2014.)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Primary exam, learning order
20 不可補考、不可補交

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[H204]
授課教師 Teacher:陳筱琪
修課班級 Class:中文系3B
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 54 人。

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