本課程之主要目標在藉由景觀工程實務理論與案例操作過程之成效檢討、教學與討論,將景觀工程於工程發包後之現地監造實務與營建管理作業流程作一連結,使設計、施工、品管與後續維護能貫串成可表達設計者意圖、使用者需求與環境倫理的完整程序。The main purpose of this course is to conduct the on-site supervision and construction management operation process through the review, teaching and discussion of the effectiveness of landscape engineering practice theory and case operation process, so as to connect the landscape engineering construction and construction management process after the project is issued and contracted, so as to design, construction, Quality control and continuous maintenance capabilities are linked to a complete program that can express designer ideas, user needs and environmental ethics.
1.營建工程管理與實務 羅醒亞編著 詹氏書局
2.營造與施工實務(上)(下)石正義編著 詹氏書局
3.施工計畫與管理 廖基全編著 詹氏書局
4.營建工程專案管理 呂以寧譯 六合出版社
5.營建管理的觀念與理論 劉福勳編著 科技圖書
6..公共工程施工綱要規範 行政院公共工程委員會
7.造園設計資料集 豐田幸夫着 林鑑澄 胡田田譯 詹氏書局
8.營建管理 營建世界雜誌社
9.公共建設工程經費估算編列手冊 行政院公共工程委員會
10.政府採購法令彙編 行政院公共工程委員會
11.土木施工法 段品莊 中國土木水利工程學會
12.造園講習會造園設計班講義 中華民國造園學會
13.TIME-SAVER STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. Charles W.Harris & Nicholas T Dines. McGraw-Hill International Editions.
14.Sustainable Landscape Construction. J.William Thompson & Kim Sorvig. ISLAND Press.
1. Construction Project Management and Practice by Luo Xingya Zhan's Book Bureau
2. Construction and construction practice (Part 1) (Part 2) by Shi Zhengyi Zhan's Book Bureau
3. Construction Planning and Management Written by Liao Jiquan Zhan’s Book Bureau
4. Project management of construction projects, Liuhe Publishing House
5. Concept and theoretical discussion on construction management, written by Liu Fuqi, Science and Technology Book
6..Public Works Construction Regulations Executive Yuan Public Works Committee
7. Garden design data collection by Yukio Hongtian, Lin Jiancheng, Hu Tiantianlu, Zhan's Book Bureau
8. Construction management Construction of the World Magazine Society
9. Manual for the Estimation of Public Construction Projects Costs. Executive Yuan Public Works Committee
10.Embroidered by the Government Purchase Act Executive Yuan Public Works Committee
11. Civil Engineering Construction Method Duan Pinzhuang China Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy Engineering Association
12. Garden Design Class Lecture on Garden Design Class of the Republic of China Parking Association
13.TIME-SAVER STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. Charles W.Harris & Nicholas T Dines. McGraw-Hill International Editions.
14.Sustainable Landscape Construction. J. William Thompson & Kim Sorvig. ISLAND Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
景觀工程及營建管理專題書面報告景觀工程及營建管理專題書面報告 Book report on landscape engineering and construction management topics |
65 | 依據課程內容由學生自選景觀工程及營建管理相關研究專題,撰寫研究報告 |
景觀工程及營建管理專題課程報告景觀工程及營建管理專題課程報告 Landscape Engineering and Construction Management Course Report |
15 | 研究專題報告簡報及答詢 |
上課出席狀況及課程回應互動表現上課出席狀況及課程回應互動表現 Interactive performance of attendance in the previous class and course response |
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