1增進自己和他人自我覺察的能力,尊重多元文化和關懷本土的涵養 。
4強化社會工作者的實作涵養與能力。1. Improve your own and others’ ability to see yourself and others, respect multiculturalism and care about local cultivation.
2. Understand the theoretical knowledge of direct social work services.
3 Understand the application of case research design in case work.
4 Strengthen the practical cultivation and ability of social workers.
本課程教學目標主要在協助學生了解實證研究(Evidence-based Research)的核心概念與知識典範 ; 協助學生熟悉社會工作介入研究(social work intervention research)的知識典範與方法論 ; 於社會工作實務的基礎上,透過一系列的步驟:問題意識的發想、相關理論的運用、介入研究的設計與執行,將實務智慧轉化爲知識通則 ; 協助學生從社會工作實務中,致力於建構具有實證支持的實務通則,以作為其他社會工作者的參考原則,進而對社會工作直接服務有所貢獻,藉由研究成果來增進案主的最終福祉。
The course design of "Case Work Research" is a scheduling course. The purpose of this course is to create a bridge between "Social Work Practice" and "Academic Knowledge Research" to learn theoretical knowledge and research methods of practical research through learning the theoretical knowledge and research methods of practical research ,promote Let students develop research topics and apply relevant theoretical perspectives from social work practices, and gradually develop practical and feasible interventional research designs, and use scientific research methods to transform practical wisdom into knowledge and communication, thereby increasing the ultimate welfare of the client.
The teaching objectives of this course are mainly to help students understand the core concepts and knowledge classics of Evidence-based Research; to help students become familiar with the knowledge classics and methodological discussions of social work intervention research; to base their social work practices , through a series of steps: the conception of problem awareness, the use of related theories, the design and execution of interventional research, the transformation of practical wisdom into knowledge communication; Help students to build practical supportive practical rules from social work practices to serve as a reference principle for other social workers, and thus contribute to direct social work, and improve the ultimate welfare of clients through research results.
rancis J Turner, .J. (2011) Social Work treatment. Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2011
宋麗玉等(2010) 社會工作理論 洪葉文化
社會個案工作 雙葉書廊
rancis J Turner, .J. (2011) Social Work treatment. Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2011
Song Liyu et al. (2010) Social Work Theory Hong Ye Culture
Family and social work--theory and practice. Double Leaf Library
Social case work Double Leaf gallery
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
20 | |
課堂討論課堂討論 Class discussion |
20 | |
實作實作 Implement |
20 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 |