通過專題報告及專題演講,使碩士班研究生對其所從事的研究工作有進一步的之研究方向,增長專業知識。Through special reports and special speeches, master's degree graduate students can have further research directions for their research work and increase their professional knowledge.
The supervising professor will supervise the master's thesis.
Handout information provided by the speaker
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
基本分數基本分數 basic score |
68 | |
上傳書面報告上傳書面報告 Upload written report |
10 | 第一次加7分,之後每次各加5分,評分者得視報告內容斟酌加減1~3分,分至多為16分,只發問而未上傳報告者不予計分。 |
無故缺席者,每次扣5分無故缺席者,每次扣5分 Those who are absent without excuse will be deducted 5 points each time |
5 | 無故缺席三次(含)以上者以不及格論處。 |