3.理解身體的社會、文化和歷史的建構因素1. Understand the transformation process of our bodies as such
2. Understand the body's encounters, situations and ways of being treated at different historical stages, so as to master the body's development form or body transformation process.
3. Understand the social, cultural and historical constructs of the body
Vigarello, Georges,《身體的歷史卷一:從文藝復興到啟蒙運動》(上海:華東師範大學
Corbin, Alain,《身體的歷史卷二:從法國大革命到第一次世界大戰》(上海:華東師範
Courtine, Jean-Jacques,《身體的歷史卷三:目光的轉變—20世紀》(上海:華東師範大
Vigarello, Georges, "The History of the Body Volume 1: Resurrection from Arts to Enlightenment of Mongolia" (Shanghai: Huadong Teachers University
Publishing House, 2013)
Corbin, Alain, "The History of the Body Volume 2: From the French Revolution to the First World War" (Shanghai: Master Huadong
University Press, 2013)
Courtine, Jean-Jacques, "The History of the Body Volume 3: The Change of Eyes-20th Century" (Shanghai: Master Huadong is a Greater
School Press, 2013)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂報告和參與課堂報告和參與 Class Reports and Participation |
20 | 課程以講授和討論方式進行,每週安排同學負責閱讀材料之摘要報告和閱讀心得,並提出問題,除嘗試回達所提問題外,也帶動全班討論。A4一頁,報告當天書面繳交。 |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
25 | 每位同學需就各週之指定教材,任選六篇撰寫閱讀心得,期中考前和期末考前各繳交三篇(書面),每篇A4一頁左右,也可提出問題,簡要說明提問原因並試著自我回答。 |
期中/期末考試期中/期末考試 Midterm/final exam |
55 | 申論題 |