3.比較耶、儒、佛之間的異同。1. Understand the nature of faith in Christianity, Confucianism and Buddhism.
2. Understand the thinking and humanistic spirit of cross-cultural vision of Ye, Confucianism and Buddhism.
3. Comparison of the differences between Confucianism and Buddhism.
1. 王政文,〈改宗所引起的家庭與人際衝突:以十九世紀台灣基督徒為例〉,《台灣文獻》,第63卷4期(2012年12月),頁3-32。
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4. 沙百里(法)(Jean Charbonnier)著、李國林譯,《中國基督徒史》,北京:中國社會科學研究院,1998。
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7. 秦家懿著,吳有能、吳華譯,《儒與耶》,台北:文史哲出版社,2000。
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9. 湯清,《中國基督教百年史》,香港:道聲,1987。
10. 黃伯和等著,《基督徒與祭祖》,台北:雅歌出版社,1994。
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13. 嚴瑋泓,〈論佛教倫理學的「忍辱」與「寬容」:以「阿難受責」的案例為線索〉,《揭諦》,第24期,2013年1月,頁101-139。
14. 牟宗三:《中國哲學十九講?第四講儒家系統之性格》,台北:學生書局,1983。
15. 牟宗三:《圓善論?第一章基本的義理》,台北:學生書局,1985。
16. 葛兆光:〈「周孔何以不言」?—中古佛教、道教對儒家知識世界的擴充與挑戰〉,陳弱水主編:《中國思想史新論—思想史分冊》,台北:中央研究院、聯經出版事業股份有限公司,2012。
1. Wang Zhengwen, "Family and Influential Clashes arising from Conversion: Taking the 19th Century Taiwanese Christians as an Example", "Taiwan Documentary", Volume 63 Issue 4 (December 2012), Pages 3-32.
2. Strong, "Selected Collection of Anti-Christian Problems of Intellectuals in Modern Chinese Intellectuals", Taipei: Cosmic Light All-Man Relevant Institution, 2006.
3. Strong: "The Reasons of the Anti-Church of Chinese Officials (1860-1874)", Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Central Academy of Sciences, 1966.
4. Jean Charbonnier, Li Guolin Lu, "History of Chinese Christians", Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1998.
5. Xing Fuzeng: "Cultural Appropriateness and Chinese Christians (1860~1911), Hong Kong: Jiandao, 1995.
6. Zhuo Xinping, "The Encounter, Seeking for the Consent and Existence of Christianity and Chinese Culture", Hong Kong: Chongji School, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007.
7. Qin Jiayi wrote, written by Wu Youneng and Wu Hua, "Confucianism and Yes", Taipei: Literature, History and Philosophy Publishing House, 2000.
8. Xudishan, "Yuguan", is included in Xudishan, edited by Yang Mu, "Xudishan Novel Selection", Taipei: Hongqian Bookstore, 1984, page 315-367.
9. Tom Qing, "A Centennial History of Chinese Christianity", Hong Kong: Taoist, 1987.
10. Huang Bohe, etc., "Christians and Ancestors' Worship", Taipei: Ya Song Publishing House, 1994.
11. Yang Senfu, "History of Christianity in China", Taipei: Business, 1981.
12. You Huiqian and Zhai Benrui, "Comparative Study on the Life Views of Christianity and Buddhism", "Research on Neocentennial Religion" Volume 10 Issue 2 (December 2011), Page 109-138.
13. Sternly Hu Hong, "On the "forbearance" and "broad behaviour" in Buddhist ethics: Taking the case of "Ah-unable to be held accountable" as a thread", "Revealing", Issue 24, January 2013, pages 101-139.
14. Mou Zongsan: "Talk about the 19th Chinese Philosophy?" The Fourth Talk about the Character of the Confucian System", Taipei: Student Book Bureau, 1983.
15. Mou Zongsan: "Are you good at judging? Chapter 1 Basic Ideology", Taipei: Student Book Bureau, 1985.
16. Ge Zhaoguang: "Why didn't Zhou Kong say anything?" ——Middle Buddhism and Taoism’s expansion and challenge to the Confucian intellectual world>, edited by Chen Ruoshui: "New Discussion on the History of Chinese Thoughts - Division of the History of Thoughts", Taipei: Central Research Institute, Joint Publishing Co., Ltd., 2012.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課程討論與隨堂作業課程討論與隨堂作業 Course discussion and classroom work |
40 | 耶儒佛對話討論參與 |
專題報告專題報告 Special Report |
40 | 專題報告題目之擬定需先與授課教師討論 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 出席及課堂表現 |