course information of 104 - 2 | 3371 Environmental Changing & Health Reporting(社會:環境與社會採訪寫作)

Taught In English3371 - 社會:環境與社會採訪寫作 Environmental Changing & Health Reporting

教育目標 Course Target

近年來墨西哥灣漏油事件、西伯利亞森林大火、冰島火山爆發、福山核電廠輻射外洩、台灣爆發之塑化劑及食用油污染等議題﹐影響深遠。科技文明造成生態的變遷﹐已經成為人類生存的危機。京都議定書的簽訂到哥本哈根高峰會議﹐環境變遷已經取代冷戰時代核武﹐成為強國角力與第三世界國家合縱聯橫的議題。2000-2003年於康健雜誌擔任資深撰述期間﹐參與環境荷爾蒙(多氯聯苯米糠油遺害、台南安順鹼廠等)、肉品安全等相關專題報導﹐省察到台灣工業化過程中對大眾食安及健康之影響。2002年在美國聖路易華盛頓大學任Visiting Profession時,曾就近採訪位於聖路易的基因轉作科技大本營的孟山都Monsento﹐以及自然農場Natural Farm等專題﹐深入理解科技發展引發全球之環境、生態、政治、社會及國家競爭等治絲亦棼之全球話議題連動影響。本課程以社會學的視角為出發﹐以全球環境變遷、台灣環保現狀、如何建構人與自然和諧關係等三個方向作為主軸;針對環境變遷所產生的議題﹐以新聞專題寫作的教學形式﹐藉以訓練學生觀察、分析、表達的組織能力。In recent years, the issues of the oil spill in Mexico, the Siberian forest fire, the Ice Island volcanic eruption, the Fukuyama nuclear power plant radiation, plasticizers and edible oil pollution have had a profound impact. The changes in the ecological changes caused by scientific and technological civilization have become a crisis of human survival. The Kyoto consent was signed at the Copenhagen summit, and the environmental change has replaced the Cold War era nuclear weapons and has become a joint issue for the strong nation-wide struggle and the Third World countries. From 2000 to 2003, during the senior report of the Kangjian magazine, he participated in the report on environmental hormones (polychlorinated benzene rice bran oil damage, Tainan Ansong factory, etc.), meat safety and other related topics, and observed the food safety of the general public during the industrialization process in Taiwan. and the impact of health. When he was a Visiting Professional at the University of San Louis Washington in 2002, he visited Monsento, which is a genetically transformed technology base in San Louis, and Natural Farm, and other special topics to deeply understand the environment, ecological and political development that has led to the world's development. The global debate issues are also affected by social and national competition. This course is developed from the perspective of social science, with three main directions: global environmental change, Taiwan environmental protection status, and how to build a harmonious relationship between humans and nature; the topics arise from environmental change are taught in the form of news topic writing, through The organizational ability of trainees to observe, analyze and express.

參考書目 Reference Books

社會學 Sociology 作者:吉登斯(A. Giddens)
全球社會學Global Sociology ,羅賓科恩、保羅甘尼迪(R. Cohen and Paul Kenndy)2000,文軍等譯﹐社會科學文獻出版社。
環境台灣(天下雜誌 1996)
防癌清靜飲食(王群光醫師2000 年)
寂靜的春天Silent Spring(Rachel Carson 1962,)李文昭譯,晨星出版http://science.nchc.org.tw/EPoSC/1022WSC/lecture/20140521.pdf)
Social Science Sociology Author: A. Giddens
Global Sociology, R. Cohen and Paul Kenndy 2000, Cultural Army, etc., Social Science Cultural Press.
Kyoto Decision Book Reference Website: http://www.tri.org.tw/unfccc/Unfccc/UNFCCC02.htm
Carbon rights trading reference website: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E7%A2%B3%E4%BA%A4%E6%98%93
Environmental Taiwan (Tianxia Magazine 1996)
The 57th issue of "Taiwan Environmental Crisis - Environmental Hormones"
Kangjian Magazine January 2003 "Modern Creator - Gene Giant Monsanto"
Anti-cancer and clear silence diet (Doctor Wang Qunguang 2000)
Silent Spring (Rachel Carson 1962,) Li Wenzhao, published by Morning Star http://science.nchc.org.tw/EPoSC/1022WSC/lecture/20140521.pdf)
Environmental Caremont Crisis (Published by Lin Tianshuang in 2001)
Genetic Food Noodles (Published by Su Changzhi Yuanqi)
Fast Food Republic (Tianxia Magazine Published 2002)
Wolf Picture (Jiang Rong, Wind Times 2005)

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4
授課教師 Teacher:刁曼蓬
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:社會系2164雙掛
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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