course information of 104 - 2 | 3301 Media for Science Communication(自然:科學傳播媒體通路)

Taught In English3301 - 自然:科學傳播媒體通路 Media for Science Communication

教育目標 Course Target

通識課程不同於專業課程,實乃著重引導學生主動關懷、探索與實踐人類的終極價值與智慧;同時通識課程所提供的知識,不是專業課程的淺薄化,而是具有厚實感的基礎知識。本校根據創校傳統、校訓與辦學理念訂定通識教育定四大基本素養:求真素養、篤信素養、力行素養與宏通素養,以具體落實本校通識教育之理想。希望本校學生能發揮自主學習精神,在通識課程老師的引導下,逐漸培養其通識教育基本素養,並期待能終身學習。各種基本素養並訂有具體的學習成效指標,以做教學與學習成效之自我檢證的具體指標,分述如下:求真素養(自然領域):1.學習自然科學的方法或哲學以探索物理與生命世界的微妙,2.發揮就事論事的精神,3.能參與科學議題相關的公共事務。篤信素養(人文領域):1.學習人文精神以探索內在自我與領會人類文明的深層價值,2.發展自律精神,3.能運用理性進行道德推理。力行素養(社會領域):1.運用社會科學的方法或哲學以激發學生的傾聽與溝通能力,2.承認與尊重多元差,3.實踐民主審議的精神。宏通素養(跨領域):1.追求人類的整體價值,2.融通求真、篤信、力行等素養於個人生命之中。各領域的課程對於學習成效指標可以跨選,不必拘泥。The general course is different from the professional course, and it actually focuses on guiding students to actively care, explore and understand the ultimate value and wisdom of human beings. At the same time, the knowledge provided by the general course is not the purity of the professional course, but the basic knowledge with a strong sense of reality. . Our school has established four basic qualities for general education based on the concept of creating school traditions, school training and management: seeking truth, trustworthiness, striving for general education, and implementing the ideal of general education in our school in a specific way. I hope that students of this school can develop the spirit of independent learning, and under the guidance of general course teachers, they will gradually cultivate their basic qualities of general education, and look forward to finally learning. Various basic ingredient cultivation and have specific learning effectiveness indicators to serve as a specific indicator for self-verification of teaching and learning effectiveness, which are divided into the following: Truth-seeking cultivation (nature field): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural sciences to explore physics The subtlety of the life world, 2. Develop the spirit of doing things, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific issues. Relief and nourishment (humanity field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the deep value of inner self and leading human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline spirit, 3. Be able to use rationality to conduct moral reasoning. Practice and cultivate (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Accept and respect for diversity and differences, 3. Realize the spirit of democratic review. Hongtong basic cultivation (cross-domain): 1. Pursuing the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrating truth-seeking, trustworthiness, and action in personal life. Courses in various fields can be selected across learning performance indicators without being restricted.

課程概述 Course Description

The general course is different from the professional course, and it actually focuses on guiding students to actively care, explore and understand the ultimate value and wisdom of human beings. At the same time, the knowledge provided by the general course is not the purity of the professional course, but the basic knowledge with a strong sense of reality. . Our school has established four basic qualities for general education based on the concept of creating school traditions, school training and management: seeking truth, trustworthiness, striving for general education, and implementing the ideal of general education in our school in a specific way. I hope that students of this school can develop the spirit of independent learning, and under the guidance of general course teachers, they will gradually cultivate their basic qualities of general education, and look forward to finally learning. Various basic ingredient cultivation and have specific learning effectiveness indicators to serve as a specific indicator for self-verification of teaching and learning effectiveness, which are divided into the following: Truth-seeking cultivation (nature field): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural sciences to explore physics The subtlety of the life world, 2. Develop the spirit of doing things, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific issues. Relief and nourishment (humanity field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the deep value of inner self and leading human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline spirit, 3. Be able to use rationality to conduct moral reasoning. Practice and cultivate (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Accept and respect for diversity and differences, 3. Realize the spirit of democratic review. Hongtong basic cultivation (cross-domain): 1. Pursuing the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrating truth-seeking, trustworthiness, and action in personal life. Courses in various fields can be selected across learning performance indicators without being restricted.

參考書目 Reference Books

關尚仁(譯)(2010)。傳播科學:科學家的致勝寶典(原作者:Giovanni Carrada)。臺北市:臺灣科普傳播事業催生計畫統籌與協調中心。(原著出版年:2006)
Guan Shangren (2011). Scientific communication policy advice, Taipei: Taiwan’s popular science communication business spawns the planning and coordination center
Guan Shangren (Reprint) (2010). Communication Science: The Scientist's Encouragement Chronicle (Original Author: Giovanni Carrada). Taipei City: Taiwan's popular science communication business has spawned the planning and coordination center. (Original publication year: 2006)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6[SS213]
授課教師 Teacher:郭獻文
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:本課程採遠距教學
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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