本課程係針對初習產品設計者,探討設計三功能(實用、美學、象徵)中之產品美學及其所衍生出之造形演繹課題,強化創意思考能力。並結合大一課程之平面、立體設計、表現技法和模型製作,以綜合應用於產品造形之形塑,進而,探討機能與造形間之關係。This course discusses product aesthetics and the derived shaping and performance topics for beginner product designers, and enhances creative thinking ability. It combines the plane, three-dimensional design, expression techniques and model production of freshman courses, and uses comprehensive application to shape and shape, and then explores the relationship between function and shape.
This course discusses product aesthetics and the derived shaping and performance topics for beginner product designers, and enhances creative thinking ability. It combines the plane, three-dimensional design, expression techniques and model production of freshman courses, and uses comprehensive application to shape and shape, and then explores the relationship between function and shape.
The design process requires students to conduct training such as basic prototype production, concept drawing development, expression skills, display and report writing through observation, data collection, analysis, conceptual collection, and analysis.
1. 漢寶德著,設計型思考,聯經出版,2012
2. 喜多俊之,給設計以靈魂:當現代設計遇見傳統工藝,經濟新潮社,2011
3. 陳彥廷,設計獎道理,桑格文化出版,2011
4. 羅劍、李羽,工業設計手繪:表現技法X提案技巧,松崗圖書,2011
5. 吳翰中、吳琍璇著,美學CEO: 用設計思考,用美學管理,繆思圖書,2010
6. Laura Slack著,羅雅萱譯,什麼是產品設計? 龍溪國際圖書出版,2007
7. 約翰•前田著,簡單的法則(The Law of Simplicity),天下文化出版,2007
1. Written by Hanbaode, Design-based Thinking, Joint Publishing, 2012
2. Kitana is good at it, and he gives the design a soul: When modern design meets traditional craftsmanship, Economic New Trend Society, 2011
3. Chen Yaoting, Design Principles, Sanger Culture Publishing, 2011
4. Luo Jie and Li Yu, industrial designer: expressing techniques X proposal skills, Song Lang's book, 2011
5. Written by Wu Hanzhong and Wu Lixuan, CEO of aesthetics: Thinking with design, managing with aesthetics, thinking books, 2010
6. by Laura Slack, translated by Luo Yaxuan, what is product design? Published by Longxi International Book, 2007
7. Written by John Maeda, The Law of Simplicity, Published by World Culture, 2007
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Final 發表Final 發表 Final Published |
50 | 計三次 |
上架展示(精緻模型、Panel板)暨報告書撰寫、數位檔案整理上架展示(精緻模型、Panel板)暨報告書撰寫、數位檔案整理 On-shelf display (exquisite model, Panel board) and report writing, digital file sorting |
40 | (三 次) |
上課出席上課出席 Attendance in the previous class |
10 | ※缺席乙次(扣二分)、遲到乙次(扣一分) |