下學期:三聲部對位This course is based on the eighteenth century tuned alignment pattern. If time permits, the sixteenth century tuned alignment pattern will be introduced.
Course Target
Last year: Two-voice unit match
Next period: Three-voice unit matching
Jeppesen, Knud. Counterpoint, the polyphonic vocal style of the sixteen century, New York: Dover Publications, 1992.
Schubert, Peter. Modal Counterpoint, Renaissance Style, New York : Oxford University Press, 1999.
Felix Salzer and Carl Schachter. Counterpoint in composition : the study of voice leading, New York : Columbia University Press, c1989
Jeppesen, Knud. Counterpoint, the polyphonic vocal style of the sixteen century, New York: Dover Publications, 1992.
(2) Reference books:
Schubert, Peter. Modal Counterpoint, Renaissance Style, New York : Oxford University Press, 1999.
Felix Salzer and Carl Schachter. Counterpoint in composition : the study of voice leading, New York : Columbia University Press, c1989
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
單元作業成績單元作業成績 Unit operation achievements |
60 | 本學期約12~14次作業之平均分數 |
期末測驗或成果驗收期末測驗或成果驗收 Final test or results |
30 | |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
10 | 無故缺席一次佔0.5% |