Improve the aural acuity of students to accurately hear, sing and record western art music.Improve the aura l acuity of students to accurately hear, sing and record western art music.
J. S. Bach 371 four part chorals.
MacGAMUT software for aural training, version 6
新曲-聽音的練習:旋律篇 (按照節奏體系),飯田正記著,全因樂譜出版社。
J. S. Bach 371 four part chorals.
MacGAMUT software for aural training, version 6
New Song - Practice of Audio: Melody (according to the rhythm system), written by Yutian Zheng, Quanyin Leju Publishing House.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Daily GradeDaily Grade daily grade |
20 | Sight singing spot quizes for individual students |
MacGAMUT softwareMacGAMUT software Mac gamut software |
25 | Aural training practice for Intervals, Scales, Chords, Rhythm, Melody, and Harmonic Progressions |
Midterm ExamMidterm Exam midterm exam |
25 | Sight singing, 4-part chorale singing, and ear training exam |
Final ExamFinal Exam final exam |
30 | Sight singing, 4-part chorale singing, and ear training exam |