訓詁為研究意義的學問。本課程目標不僅使同學習得分析研究古辭古義的方法,並了解其中的精義,從而引申應用於現代社會。Training is a study of meaning. The purpose of this course not only allows students to analyze and study ancient meanings, but also understand the essence of it, and thus extend it to modern society.
實用訓詁學 周碧香 洪葉出版社
Practical Training Zhou Bixiang Hongye Publishing House
Self-edited projection
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
40 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 |