本課程著重歷代文學史重要論題講授及討論,按朝代、分文體列出重要的論題,透過閱讀文學史相關原典資料、賞析經典文學作品以掌握文學史觀以及文學現象兩大面向,以期了解每個時代文學如何在歷史脈絡中傳承與開展。一方面使同學具備中國文學史的基本知識,一方面訓練同學賞析文本及詮釋文學史的能力。This course focuses on teaching and discussion on important topics about the history of literature in ancient times, listing important topics according to dynasty and subdivisions. Through reading original classic data related to literary history and analyzing classic literature works, we can master the literary history view and literary phenomena, in order to understand each How the literature of the era is inherited and developed in the historical context. On the one hand, it enables students to have basic knowledge of Chinese literature history, and on the other hand, it trains students' ability to analyze texts and comment on literary history.
Liu Dajie wrote "History of the Development of Chinese Literature", published by the China Book Bureau in 1941 and released by the first edition in 1949; Taipei, Hanjing Cultural Affairs Company, 1992
"History of Chinese Literature" by Ye Qingbing, Taipei, Taiwan Student Book Bureau, 1987
Editor of Yuan Xingpei: "History of Chinese Literature", Taipei, Wunan Book Company, 2003
Reference books:
Zheng Zhenru's "Inscriptions on Chinese Literature History", first edition of the Publishing Department of Peking Bookshe in 1932
"History of Chinese Literature" edited by You Guoen and others, first edition by People's Literature Publishing House in 1963, first edition by Wunan Publishing House in Taiwan in November 1990
Tai Jingyuan's "History of Chinese Literature", Taipei, Taiwan University Press, 2004
Wang Guozhuan wrote "History of Chinese Literature", Taipei, Lianhe Press, 2006
"History of Chinese Literature" by Huang Zhicheng, Taipei, Liren Book Bureau, early January 2009, revised in September 2012
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考(筆試)期中考(筆試) Midterm exam (pend test) |
25 | |
期末考(筆試)期末考(筆試) Final exam (private test) |
25 | |
平時成績(出席率、4次小考成績、課堂表現)平時成績(出席率、4次小考成績、課堂表現) Regular results (attendance rate, 4 quiz results, class performance) |
50 |