1. 借由中國大陸政治社會問題課程介紹,建立學生對於中國大陸的基本認知,茲因中國大陸正在邁向快速的變遷成長中,其在全球的政治經濟影響力日益增強,更牽動台灣的發展,所以有必要加強對中國大陸的認知水平。
2. 使學生能了解中國大陸的發展對台灣的影響:任何關懷台灣發展的人,都不能忽略中國大陸的因素,所以如何深層理解中國大陸是現階段青年學子的必修學分。
3. 使學生能認知兩岸關係穩定發展的重要性:借由各項影響兩岸關係穩定發展的各項變數分析,使學生能認知兩岸關係穩定發展的重要性。1. Through the introduction of the political and social issues course in Mainland China, students can establish their basic understanding of Mainland China. Because Mainland China is undergoing rapid changes and growth, its political and economic influence in the world is increasing day by day, and it also affects the development of Taiwan. Therefore, It is necessary to enhance the level of understanding of mainland China.
2. Enable students to understand the impact of mainland China's development on Taiwan: Anyone who cares about Taiwan's development cannot ignore the factors in mainland China, so how to deeply understand mainland China is a compulsory credit for young students at this stage.
3. Enable students to recognize the importance of the stable development of cross-Strait relations: Through the analysis of various variables that affect the stable development of cross-Strait relations, students can recognize the importance of the stable development of cross-Strait relations.
"Discovering Contemporary China", written by Shi Zhexiong, Yangzhi Publishing House;
"Research on Mainland China", written by Zhang Wuyue, Xin Wenjing Publishing House
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
30 | |
平時平時 Usually |
30 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
40 | 以筆記暨出席率計算 |