以深入淺出的教學方法,引導修課同學進入物權法領域,瞭解民事物權法學的學理及實務運作,同時以抽象的實例問題輔助教學,使同學能夠學以致用。Using a simple and easy-to-understand teaching method, the course guides students to enter the field of property law and understand the academic theory and practical operation of civil property law. At the same time, abstract example problems are used to assist teaching so that students can apply what they have learned.
民法物權編所規定者,乃一般物權關係,在物權法定之原則下,物權的種類與內容均屬固定,然為適應社會的需要,各國物權法仍不斷的發展,故本課程即以使同學瞭解我 國民法物權編之規定及物權法之趨勢為目的,同時更可作為日後研究土地法等特別法之準備。
What is stipulated in the property rights part of the Civil Law is a general property right relationship. Under the principle of legal property rights, the types and contents of property rights are fixed. However, in order to meet the needs of society, property rights laws in various countries are still developing continuously, so this course is used The purpose is for students to understand the provisions of the property rights chapter of China's civil law and the trends in property law. It can also serve as preparation for future studies of special laws such as land law.
王澤鑑,民法物權 姚瑞光,民法物權 謝哲勝,民法物權 謝冠宇,民法物權
謝在全,民法物權 蘇永欽合著,民法物權問題研究
Wang Zejian, civil law property rights Yao Ruiguang, civil law property rights Xie Zhesheng, civil law property rights Xie Guanyu, civil law property rights
Xie Zaiquan, Civil Law Real Rights Co-authored by Su Yongqin, Research on Civil Law Real Rights Issues
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評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
50 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
50 |