訓練學生養成邏輯思考及回應當代藝術創作之基本命題與造形實驗至實踐的創作系列過程。Train students to develop logical thinking and respond to the basic propositions of contemporary art creation and the creative process from modeling experiment to practice.
This is an advanced course that explores the theory and practice of modeling. Analyze representative visual communication, product design, environmental design, and movies or various cultural creative and artistic works to enable students to observe and understand the formation of plastic art grammar, train the ability to master plastic features, and develop and self-examine the application of plastic arts. and creation.
《內在英雄》Carol S. Pearson著/徐慎恕、朱侃如、龔卓軍譯,台北:立
《Louis Borgeois》Storr, Robert/ Herkenhoff, Paulo/ Schwartzman, Allan, Phaidon Inc Ltd, 2003
"Critical Theory of Western Literary and Art Culture in the 20th Century" by Zhu Gang, Taipei: Yangzhi Culture Publishing, 2002
"The Hero Within" by Carol S. Pearson/translated by Xu Shenshu, Zhu Kanru, and Gong Zhuojun, Taipei: Li
Xu Publishing House, 2000.
"Louis Borgeois" Storr, Robert/ Herkenhoff, Paulo/ Schwartzman, Allan, Phaidon Inc Ltd, 2003
"Everyday Temptation - An Art Book for Daydreamers" by Gao Qianhui, Artist Publishing House, 2005
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課程作業課程作業 coursework |
80 | 作業評分標準包含口語表述、製作執行、概念完整度 |
學習表現(出席與參與)學習表現(出席與參與) Academic performance (attendance and participation) |
20 |