培養學生正確的創作觀念,並完成四件能參加畢業展之作品,以討論講評學生的畫作為主,針對學生創作,作定期評述分析協助學生將創作理念與創作論述作正確結合。Cultivate students' correct creative concepts and complete four works that can participate in the graduation exhibition. The main focus is to discuss and comment on students' paintings. Regular reviews and analyzes of students' creations are conducted to help students correctly combine creative concepts and creative narratives.
Cultivate the ability of independent professional creation and discussion integration according to the field of study.
Arranged and prescribed by the instructor.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
每件作品成績占20%每件作品成績占20% Each piece of work counts for 20% |
80 | |
出席情況與學習態度出席情況與學習態度 Attendance and learning attitude |
20 |