course information of 103 - 2 | 8302 Psychology of Exercise and Sports(健身運動心理學)

Taught In English8302 - 健身運動心理學 Psychology of Exercise and Sports

教育目標 Course Target

一.讓學生瞭解基礎的健身運動心理學知識 二.對於基本的健身運動發展與與演進瞭解 三.瞭解如何促進身體活動的參與 四.認識健身運動心理學研究的發現1. Let students understand basic knowledge of fitness exercise psychology 2. Understand the basic development and evolution of fitness sports 3. Understand how to promote physical activities IV. Discovery of the Psychology of Fitness and Sports

參考書目 Reference Books

季力康、卓俊伶、洪聰敏、高三福、黃英哲、黃崇儒 等(2013)。競技與健身運動心理學(第二版)。臺北市:禾楓。
張育愷、古博文、季力康、廖主民、卓俊伶、聶喬齡 等(2011)。健身運動心理學:理論與實務的整合。臺北市:禾楓。
Ji Likang, Zhuo Junling, Hong Tengmin, Gao Sanfu, Huang Yingzhe, Huang Chongru et al. (2013). Competition and fitness exercise psychology (second edition). Taipei City: Hefeng.
Zhang Yucheng, Gu Bowen, Ji Likang, Liao Zhumin, Zhuo Junling, and Bao Joe (2011). Fitness and sports psychology: the integration of theory and practice. Taipei City: Hefeng.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Learning achievements and performance
50 上課出缺席狀況(15%);購買教科書(5%);與同儕師生互動(10%);小考(15%);其他(5%)
Computer chemistry learning evaluation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/12,13[H105]
授課教師 Teacher:聶喬齡
修課班級 Class:運健學程1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 22 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 22 人。

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