Taught In English8116 - 專題實作 Practice of Projects in Computer
教育目標 Course Target
Building information systems as our future project tasks is all the reasons and purposes for the training practices of this practicum.building information system SA sour future project task sis all the reasons and purposes fort and training PR act ICes of this practice.
課程概述 Course Description
The course is designed to cultivate and generate talents with professional skills and practical experience. Through the implementation of topics, students can verify theory and practice, improve the theoretical learning effect, and enhance students' practical ability. It also provides a professional lecture on students in this department so that it can absorb more forward-looking technology or information-related new knowledge, so that talent cultivation can better meet the needs of the industry.
參考書目 Reference Books
Journal articles; industrial magazine reports, cases, and news.
journal articles; industrial magazine reports, cases, and news.
評分方式 Grading
評分項目 Grading Method |
配分比例 Grading percentage |
說明 Description |
ImplementationImplementation Implementation |
60 |
ParticipationParticipation participation |
40 |
授課大綱 Course Plan
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Course Plan
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