course information of 103 - 2 | 7232 Selected Reading of French Dotrine and Jurisprudence (III)(法學法文選讀(三))

Taught In English7232 - 法學法文選讀(三) Selected Reading of French Dotrine and Jurisprudence (III)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要目的有下列三項: 第一、使同學對基本法國法學思考邏輯及法學研究方法論有所瞭解,並透過系列選讀文章,對法國法有基礎認識。 第二、法律不脫離社會。透過章節之安排,期望使同學對法國整體社會文化有基本認識,並由此出發,瞭解法國文化對法律體制之影響。 第三、承前項目標,藉由學生對基本字彙(接續法學法文一)之整理報告,瞭解語言、文字、社會之關係。The main purpose of this course is the following three items: First, let students understand the basic French legal thinking logic and legal research methods, and have a basic understanding of French law through a series of selected articles. Second, the law does not deprive society. Through the arrangements of the chapters, we hope that students will have a basic understanding of the overall social culture of France, and thus develop it to understand the impact of French culture on the legal system. Third, follow the previous project goals and understand the relationship between language, text and society through students' compilation of basic characters (continuously learning French).

參考書目 Reference Books

1.法理學文獻選讀──一個或多個自然法? 月旦法學教室 許耀明 201111
2.歐盟法文獻選讀:歐洲法院之先決問題制度 月旦法學教室 許耀明 201007
3.國際法類文獻選讀:國際法相較於國內法之優先性 月旦法學教室 許耀明 201004
4.刑法類文獻選讀(二)─罪刑之類型 月旦法學教室 許耀明 201001
5.刑法類文獻選讀(一):刑法之法源 月旦法學教室 許耀明 20091
6.民法類文獻選讀(二):債權與財產權 月旦法學教室 許耀明 20090
7.民法類文獻選讀(一):物權 月旦法學教室 許耀明 200812
8.法學法文公法類文獻選讀(二):法國行政法之發展歷史 月旦法學教室 許耀明 200810
9.公法類文獻選讀(一)─法國第五共和憲法之擬定、組成文件與一七八九人權宣言 月旦法學教室 許耀明 200807
10.法文法學資料搜尋與入門文獻 月旦法學教室 許耀明 200805


1. Select French reading in law
1. Selected reading of legal theory--one or more natural laws? Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 201111
2. European French selection reading: European courts’ pre-decision system Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 201007
3. Selection of International Law Classification: The priority of international law compared to domestic law Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 201004
4. Selection and Reading of Criminal Law Classroom (II) - Types of Crime and Punishment Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 201001
5. Selection of Criminal Law Classification Documents (I): The Source of Criminal Law Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 20091
6. Selection and Reading of Civil Law Classical Documents (II): Debt and Property Rights Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 20090
7. Civil Law Class Selection Reading (I): Property Rights Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 200812
8. Selection and selection of legal documents for public legal categories in law (II): History of the development of French administrative law Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 200810
9. Selection of Public Law Documents (I) - Determination, composition documents and Declaration of the Fifth Republic of France's Law and Declaration of the Rights of 1789 Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 200807
10. Search and entry-level documents for French law data Yuedan Law Classroom Xu Yaoming 200805

金, learn from the name of 金
Wu Xide, made in France: French Cultural Keywords 100, published by Maitian, 2010

See, Cultural Learning
Specify the reference material booklet, the first class will be issued.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and discussion in the previous class
60 每堂課將請負責同學上台講述該週字彙相關資料。出席率列為重要參考依據。
Oral Report
40 報告主題將跟隨上課主題。由同學選擇主題報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[L115]
授課教師 Teacher:許曉芬
修課班級 Class:法律碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:綜合
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 23 人。

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