course information of 103 - 2 | 7228 Seminar on Family Law and Family Court Proceedings (I)(身分法及家事事件法專題研究(一))

Taught In English7228 - 身分法及家事事件法專題研究(一) Seminar on Family Law and Family Court Proceedings (I)

教育目標 Course Target

1.本課程以我國身分法制變革與社會發展之關係並結合家事事件法相關程序為專題研討. 2.家庭結構與價值觀之變遷,傳統{父債子還家產共有}相對於{個人人格自主財產各自所有}.以民法繼承編為例,繼承人如未於法定期間內為限定或拋棄繼承,原則上須承受被繼承人財產上一切權利義務,但專屬於被繼承人之權利義務,則非屬繼承之範圍.並就繼承之債務父無限清償責任,易言之,繼承人有可能以其自己之固有財產負擔被繼承人生前之債務.2008年2009年2013年繼承法及繼承編施行法已修正為以繼承人負限定責任為原則,換言之,繼承人除拋棄繼承或法定單純承認外,雖概括承受被繼承人財產上一切權義,但對被繼承人之債務,僅以所得遺產之範圍內,負有限清償責任. 2.面對人口高齡化與身心障礙者之需求與社會發展,本課程擬就因應高齡者與受成人監護及輔助者,就身上照護及療養之問題,宏觀研討相關民法及特別法,了解法制規範及公共政策宜如何制定執行革新及規畫,以提供相關保障及措施,並建構維護健康安全福利與人格尊嚴的社會. 3.面對兒童及少年權益之保護,本課程擬就親權行使與未成年人之最大利益為了解與檢討,並探討其精神與核心價值. 4.本課程希望微觀就研討相關立法,特別法,大法官會議釋字及實務見解等為探討.並就外國相關立法例為了解,透過對相關社會發展問題的關懷及探討,宏觀法制之發展及前瞻.1. This course is discussed on the topic based on the relationship between the transformation of our identity law system and social development, and is combined with procedures related to the Family Event Law. 2. The changes in family structure and value view are traditional {the father's debt and the family's property}, relative to {the individual's personal independent property owned by their own personal property}. Taking the civil law inheritance as an example, if the inheritor does not limit or abandon the inheritance within the legal period, in principle, he shall bear all rights and interests in the inheritance of the inheritance, but shall be exclusively subject to the inheritance of the rights and interests, and shall not belong to the inheritance of the inheritance of the debt, and the father's unlimited liability shall be liable to the inheritance, as mentioned in the case, The inheritor may have the debts before his own inherent property debts. The inheritor's law and the inheritance implementation law in 2008, 2009, 2013 have been amended to be the principle of limited liability of the inheritor. In other words, the inheritor, except for the inheritor's inheritance or the statutory unit, shall be subject to limited liability for the inheritor's debts only within the scope of the property obtained. 2. In the face of the needs and social development of people with high population aging and physical and mental disabilities, this course discusses related civil law and special law on the care and maintenance issues of high population and adult supervision, to understand how legal regulations and public policies should be formulated and implemented to provide relevant guarantees and measures, and to build a society with a healthy, safe, welfare and a respectful personality. 3. In the face of the protection of the rights of children and teenagers, this course discusses the best interests of the exercise of rights and minors in order to understand and review their spirit and core values. 4. In this course, we hope to discuss related legislation, special laws, words and practical opinions on the discussion of the Supreme People's Congress, and understanding of relevant legislation in foreign countries, through the concerns and discussions on related social development issues, and to make a macro-view of the development and forward-looking legal system.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.陳棋炎 黃宗樂 郭振恭著, 民法親屬新論, 最新版, 三民書局.
2.全國法規資料庫, http://law.moj.gov.tw
3.司法院網站, http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw
4.立法院全球法律資訊網 http://glin.ly.gov.tw
5.立法院國會圖書館 http://npl.ly.gov.tw
6.聯合國網站 http://www.unhchr.ch
7.Liang-yu Chien, Gender Equality and the Development of Domestic Relations in Taiwan, 戴東雄教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集, 元照, 2007年 8月, 375-406頁.
8.簡良育,民法親屬編修正後子女稱姓之探討,月旦法學, 一六一期,2008年10月, 12-32頁.
9.簡良育, 永結同心金玉盟-結婚自由與真意之探討,公證法學, 第五期, 2008年12月, 2-28頁.
10.簡良育,美國親子關係法制之發展,2009年當前法律問題學術研討會, 中原大學法學院,2009年6月5日,35-48頁.
11.簡良育,離婚法制沿革及國際發展趨勢之研究,月旦法學, 一七五期,2009年12月,182-202頁.
13.簡良育,美國親子關係法制發展之研究,月旦法學,一九一期, 2011年4月,64-82頁.
14.醫療養護,個人人格尊嚴, 家庭親屬關係-以受成人監護或輔助宣告者的最佳利益研究為中心(一),2013社會變遷與醫療法制發展國際學術研討會, 2013年5月11日, 11-27頁.
15.醫療養護,個人人格尊嚴, 家庭親屬關係-以受成人監護或輔助宣告者的最佳利益研究為中心(二),2014社會變遷與醫療法制發展國際學術研討會, 2014年5月17日, 51-76頁.
1. Chen Qiyan, Huang Zongle, written by Guo Zhengong, New Commentary on Civil Law, the latest edition, the Sanmin Book Bureau.
2. National legal database, http://law.moj.gov.tw
3. Judicial Court Website, http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw
4. Legislative Yuan Global Legal Information Network http://glin.ly.gov.tw
5. Legislative Yuan National Assembly Library http://npl.ly.gov.tw
6. United Nations website http://www.unhchr.ch
7. Liang-yu Chien, Gender Equality and the Development of Domestic Relations in Taiwan, Professor Dai Dongxiong's collection of essays on the seventh rank of Hua Zhuan, Yuan Zhao, August 2007, pages 375-406.
8. Strong education, an exploration of children’s surnames after the correction of civil law, Yuedan Law, Issue 161, October 2008, pages 12-32.
9. Simplified education, Eternal Joint Golden and Jade Alliance-A Exploration of Marriage Freedom and True Idea, Public Law, Issue 5, December 2008, Pages 2-28.
10. Simplified education, development of legal system for American family relations, Current Legal Objection Academic Seminar in 2009, Central China University Law School, June 5, 2009, pages 35-48.
11. Simplified education, research on the evolution of divorce legal system and international development trends, Yuedan Law, Issue 175, December 2009, pages 182-202.
12. Strong education, an exploration of the legal system of children supporting parents, Professor Wen Fengwen’s Six Orders and Five Hua’s Writings, Modern Courses and Prospects of Civil Law, Yuan Zhao, March 2011, pages 263-298.
13. Simplified education, research on the development of legal system for family relations in the United States, Yuedan Law, Issue 191, April 2011, pages 64-82.
14. Medical care, personal respect, family relationships - centered on the best interests of those who are declared by adult supervision or assistance (I), International Academic Seminar on Social Change and Medical Law Development, May 11, 2013, pages 11-27.
15. Medical care, personal respect, family relationships - centered on the best interests of those who are declared by adult supervision or assistance (II), International Academic Seminar on Social Change and Medical Law System Development, May 17, 2014, pages 51-76.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
50 出缺席狀況,學習態度與參與,努力與提升自我能力
Study period report
50 與所定議題有關之論文約2000-5000字左右.

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/1,2[L205]
授課教師 Teacher:簡良育
修課班級 Class:法律碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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