course information of 103 - 2 | 7226 Seminar on Civil Law (II)(民法專題研究(二))

Taught In English7226 - 民法專題研究(二) Seminar on Civil Law (II)

教育目標 Course Target

研究民法物權在法制史及比較法上之不同,及其具有歷史性和固有法性,並反映不同之的經濟體制與社會發展。Study the differences in civil law property rights in legal history and comparative law, as well as their historical and inherent legal nature, and reflect different economic systems and social development.

課程概述 Course Description

This course focuses on the study of civil law topics

參考書目 Reference Books

100 2011,出讓公寓大廈區分所有房地等/最高院100台上248,台灣法學,190,pp239-241 (其他) 溫豐文
100 2011,土地法第34條之1第1項的適用問題,現代地政,340,pp63-66 (其他) 溫豐文
99 2011,抵押權次序之讓與或拋棄,月旦法學教室,105,pp16-17 (其他) 溫豐文
99 2011,默示的分管契約,台灣法學,170,pp199-201 (其他) 溫豐文
99 2010,應有部分之抵押權與共有物分割,月旦裁判時報,第6期,pp34-38 (其他) 溫豐文
99 2010,共有物裁判分割之方法﹧最高院九八台上二○五八,台灣法學,160,pp169-172 (其他) 溫豐文
98 2009,相鄰數共有不動產之合併分割,月旦法學教室,86,pp12-13 (其他) 溫豐文
98 2009,從「灌虛坪」論公寓大廈管理條例之若干規定,台灣法學,140,pp1-8 (其他) 溫豐文
98 2009,論共有物之管理,台灣法學,135,pp92-101 (其他) 溫豐文
97 2009,區分所有建築物物權構造之解析,月旦法學雜誌,168,pp42-54 (其他) 溫豐文
97 2009,區分所有權人會議決議之效力,月旦法學教室,78,pp10-11 (其他) 溫豐文
97 2008,公同共有之應有部分,月旦法學教室,74,pp6-7 (其他) 溫豐文
100 2011, Transfer of all properties and land in apartment buildings/Supreme Court 100 Taiwan No. 248, Taiwan Law, 190, pp239-241 (Others) Wen Fengwen
100 2011, Application of Article 34-1, Item 1 of the Land Law, Modern Land Affairs, 340, pp63-66 (Others) Wen Fengwen
99 2011, Assignment or abandonment of the order of mortgage rights, Yuedan Law Classroom, 105, pp16-17 (Others) Wen Fengwen
99 2011, Implied Contract of Sharing of Management, Taiwan Jurisprudence, 170, pp199-201 (Others) Wen Fengwen
99 2010, Partial mortgage right and division of common property, Monthly Judicial Times, Issue 6, pp34-38 (Others) Wen Fengwen
99 2010, Methods for Judgment and Division of Common Property﹧Supreme Court 2058, Taiwan Jurisprudence, 160, pp169-172 (Others) Wen Fengwen
98 2009, Merger and division of adjacent shared real estate, Yuedan Law Classroom, 86, pp12-13 (Others) Wen Fengwen
98 2009, Discussing certain provisions of apartment building management regulations from the perspective of "Guanxuping", Taiwan Jurisprudence, 140, pp1-8 (Others) Wen Fengwen
98 2009, On the Management of Common Property, Taiwan Jurisprudence, 135, pp92-101 (Others) Wen Fengwen
97 2009, Analysis on distinguishing the property rights structure of all buildings, Yuedan Law Journal, 168, pp42-54 (Others) Wen Fengwen
97 2009, Distinguish the effectiveness of resolutions of owners’ meetings, Yuedan Law Classroom, 78, pp10-11 (Others) Wen Fengwen
97 2008, Due portion of public ownership, Yuedan Law Classroom, 74, pp6-7 (others) Wen Fengwen
(See teachers’ writings for details)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[L205]
授課教師 Teacher:溫豐文
修課班級 Class:法律碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:私法,碩丙組需先修過該領域基礎課程
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 25 人。

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