course information of 103 - 2 | 7218 Law Ethics and Literature (I)(法律倫理與文學(一))

Taught In English7218 - 法律倫理與文學(一) Law Ethics and Literature (I)

教育目標 Course Target

我國的法學教育,最受人詬病的就是,只訓練出一群操作法條的法匠,而不是法律人,此乃因為我國當前的法學教育,忽略人文精神。刑法議題涉及人的生命、身體、自由、財產,若欠缺人文關懷,在處理刑法問題時,將會陷入僅有思維邏輯,而無人性溫暖的冷酷境地,所以,本課程「特別刑法專題研究」,將以法律與文學為中心開展,因為文學的感性,可以開啟理性的法律人一扇心靈之窗。 本人近年多次舉辦法律與文學的研討會,並於2007年曾參與教育部補助法學教育改革計畫-法律與文學,皆獲得極大的迴響,本於這個課程一貫精神,就是要透過感性的文學,使過度理性的法律人從中培養人文素養:文學作品的影響,法律人能在文學作品的無限憧憬中,尋找到靈感及努力的方向,且試著使法律論著得到感動人心的力量;更重要的是,從文學領域中得到敏銳與悲憫,並進一步豐富生命,以免得法律人淪為法匠,正如同諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健所言「文學讓人保持人的意識」,這也是本課程最重要的核心之一。The most illusory thing about legal education in our country is that we only train a group of lawmakers who operate law rather than legal persons. This is because the current legal education in our country ignores the humanistic spirit. Criminal Law Questions involve human life, body, freedom, and property. If you lack humanistic concerns, when dealing with criminal law problems, you will fall into a cold situation where you only have thought logic and no human nature. Therefore, this course "Special Research on Criminal Law Questions" will be centered on law and literature, because the sensibility of literature can open a window of mind for rational legal persons. In recent years, I have held seminars on law and literature many times, and in 2007, I participated in the Ministry of Education's supplementary legal education reform plan - law and literature, and have all received great remarks. In this course, the spirit of this course is to enable overly rational legal professionals to cultivate humanistic literacy through emotional literature: the influence of literary works, and the infinite number of legal professionals in literary works can be achieved in the literature. In the longing, we will find the direction of our spirit and efforts, and try to make our legal opinions touch the power; more importantly, we will gain insight and grief from the field of literature and further enrich our lives, so as to avoid legal professionals being wise men. Just as Gao Xingjian, the winner of Nobel Literature Award, said, "Literature allows people to maintain human consciousness", this is also one of the most important cores of this course.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Zhang Liqing, Law and Literature - Legal Righteousness in Literature Vision, Yuan Zhao, November 2010
2. Zhang Liqing, General Theory and Application of Criminal Law, Wunan, October 2014
3. Zhang Liqing, Exploration of the New Criminal Law, Yuan Zhao, September 2014
4. Literature, Western Literature Review, Taiwan Business Publishing, March 1999

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation
Class Report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/11,12[L205]
授課教師 Teacher:張麗卿
修課班級 Class:法律碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:碩丙組專門課程,不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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