course information of 103 - 2 | 7093 Design Planning(設計規劃學)

Taught In English7093 - 設計規劃學 Design Planning

教育目標 Course Target

本課程最主的目的是在介紹設計規劃的相關理論與方法,並透過實際設計規劃案 例的研究與演練,培養學生設計規劃的知識及技能;其次,經由老師的指導,學 生可應用其所學習到的設計規劃知識來從事相關設計管理活動;另外,於課程 中,學生尚須自我發掘與界定設計規劃各種議題,透過發表與報告來完成本課程 的學習。主要的教學內容: (1) 計畫評核術(PERT) (2) 要徑法(CPM) (3) 設計結構 矩陣(DSM) (4) 詮釋結構矩陣 (ISM) 等設計規劃方法的介紹。The main purpose of this course is to introduce the relevant theories and methods of design planning, and to use the actual design planning plan to Study and practice of cases to cultivate students' knowledge and skills in design planning; secondly, learn by the teacher's guidance Students can use the design planning knowledge they have learned to work on related design management activities; in addition, in the course During the period, students still need to explore and define various design issues and complete this course through publication and reporting. Learning. Main teaching content: (1) Planning and evaluation (PERT) (2) Method (CPM) (3) Design structure Matrix (DSM) (4) Introduction to design planning methods such as structure matrix (ISM).

課程概述 Course Description

本課程最主的目的是在介紹設計規劃的相關理論與方法,並透過實際設計規劃案 例的研究與演練,培養學生設計規劃的知識及技能;其次,經由老師的指導,學 生可應用其所學習到的設計規劃知識來從事相關設計管理活動;另外,於課程 中,學生尚須自我發掘與界定設計規劃各種議題,透過發表與報告來完成本課程 的學習。主要的教學內容: (1) 計畫評核術(PERT) (2) 要徑法(CPM) (3) 設計結構 矩陣(DSM) (4) 詮釋結構矩陣 (ISM) 等設計規劃方法的介紹。
The main purpose of this course is to introduce the relevant theories and methods of design planning, and to use the actual design planning plan to Study and practice of cases to cultivate students' knowledge and skills in design planning; secondly, learn by the teacher's guidance Students can use the design planning knowledge they have learned to work on related design management activities; in addition, in the course During the period, students still need to explore and define various design issues and complete this course through publication and reporting. Learning. Main teaching content: (1) Planning and evaluation (PERT) (2) Method (CPM) (3) Design structure Matrix (DSM) (4) Introduction to design planning methods such as structure matrix (ISM).

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Best, Kathryn, Fundamentals of Design Management, Ingram Pub Services, 2010.

1. best, Kathryn, fundamental is of design management, Ingram pub services, 2010.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate
Normal operation
Midterm Report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11,12[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:柯耀宗
修課班級 Class:工設專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 8 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 8 人。

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