course information of 103 - 2 | 7053 Product Planning(產品企劃論)

Taught In English7053 - 產品企劃論 Product Planning

教育目標 Course Target

產品設計的決策攸關於產品成敗的重要因素,因此產品設計前端的規劃對於產品的品質、效益、成本與市場性必須有一完備的規劃與管理。透過本課程的學習,可以達成以下的目標: 1.產品企劃的基本概念 2.企畫書的撰寫 3.企劃與企業經營策略、產品策略等之間的關連與應用 4.培養學員具國際化、產業鏈、產品企劃等的認識The decisions of product design are important factors in product failure, so the front-end planning of product design must have a complete planning and management of product quality, efficiency, cost and market performance. Through the learning of this course, the following goals can be achieved: 1. Basic concepts of product planning 2. Writing of corporate paintings 3. The connection and application between enterprise planning and enterprise business strategies, product strategies, etc. 4. Cultivate the knowledge of internationalization, industry links, product plans, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程隸屬研究所應用課程;產品開發設計的成功與否攸關於策略與規劃的工作是否完善,目標是否正確。而一位高階的設計管理者必須從了解市場趨勢人口變化與社會價值取向,從中快速而準確的訂定開發設計的目標。本課程主要是對於培養對產品創新與價值的規劃設計,透過案例演練育實務操作達到教學的目為要旨。 一、教學目的: 產品計畫為產品開發,設計的先前必要的工作。如何針對企業本身的需求及未來的規劃作何理的定位極為重要。因此;本課程為了使%
This course belongs to the Institute's application course; whether the success and faults of product development design are related to whether the work of strategy and planning is complete, and whether the goals are correct. A high-level design manager must understand market trends population changes and social value orientations, and quickly and accurately determine the development goals of design. This course is mainly for cultivating the planning and design of product innovation and value, and achieves the purpose of teaching through case practice and practice. 1. Teaching purpose: Product planning is the work required for product development, design. How to position the company's own needs and future planning is extremely important. Therefore; this course is to make %

參考書目 Reference Books

1. デザイン計畫の調查.實驗 小原 二郎編
2. 製品計畫 工業デザイン全集委員會編
3. 設計方法論 有關參考書
4. デザインマインドコンパニ一 クリストフアu一.ロしンッ
5. デザインマ一ケテイング 中村周三著
6. デザイ二ング 森 典彥編

The main reference books are as follows, and the specific content of the course is mainly composed of self-made (PTT) lectures;
1. デザインン's plan survey. Experience Ohara edited by Jiro
2. Product Plans Editor of the Industrial and Commercial Committee
3. Design method discussion Related reference book
4. デザインマインドコンパニ一 クリストフアu一.ロしンッ
5. デザインマケテインイング by Nakamura Wednesday
6. デザイイングング南天天天

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Normal learning performance
50 課程中的自發性的提問與引發討論議題的能力。
Attendance status
20 本課程以不超過4 次缺席為基準。
Case progress publishing and reporting writing and results
30 資料收集與問題發現與解決。

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:郭炳宏
修課班級 Class:工設碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:工工博乙
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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