course information of 103 - 2 | 7012 Study on the Construction of Contemporary(當代建築構造研究)

Taught In English7012 - 當代建築構造研究 Study on the Construction of Contemporary

教育目標 Course Target

「構築思維」還包括對空間與形式的思考。 空間(space)要與時間一起談的,就是time-space,是基迪恩(Gidieon)用以定義現代建築的概念,他認為現代世界的空間是必須結合時間; 形式(form)則是與設計(design)結合一起談的,這是路易斯康(Louis Kahn)所主張的區分,所以建築的形式是指導設計的基本圖式(schema),他說湯匙的形式是勺與柄兩部分構成,至於勺是圓的或橢圓的、用銀製或瓷器、柄是方的、扁的、用木製或銅製等等就是設計的範疇。 我在這堂課所要探討的就是這幾個範疇加在一起的構築思維,它與時間-空間,設計-形式有關,所以--- tectonic idea = (material + size) x 【 (time-space) vs. (design-form) 】 我認為這就是建築的核心價值,是建築專業最根本的精神所寄,或者說,這就是建築的藝術性-精神性-靈魂-文學經驗,這裡就存在著建築做為一項專業的自主性所在,這與「空間專業不應是價值中立」的主張是屬於不同層次的,前者是屬於藝術性層次的,後者是屬於社會性層次,我想這兩者構成建築的倫理性價值。 建築的倫理性 = 建築的藝術性意義 + 建築的社會性意義"Structural thinking" also includes thinking about space and form. The space needs to be discussed with time, which is time-space, which is used by Gidieon to define the concept of modern architecture. He believes that space in the modern world must be combined with time; form is discussed with design, which is Louis. Kahn) led the division, so the form of the building refers to the basic schema of the design. He said that the form of the spoon is composed of two parts: the spoon and the handle. As for the spoon being round or round, made of silver or porcelain, the handle is square, flat, made of wood or copper, etc., it is the design scope. What I want to explore in this class is the structural thinking of these several patterns added together. It is related to time-space, design-form, so--- tectonic idea = (material + size) x 【 (time-space) vs. (design-form) 】 I think this is the core value of the building, which is the most fundamental spirit of the architecture profession, or in other words, this is the artistic-spirit-spirit-literary experience of the building. Here there is the autonomy of the building as a professional. This is the initiative of "space profession should not be value-neutral" at different levels. The former belongs to the artistic level, and the latter belongs to the social level. I think these two form the ethical value of the building. The ethics of a building = the artistic meaning of a building + the social meaning of a building

參考書目 Reference Books

FORD, E.R. The Details of Modern Architecture. Vol. 1,2. Cambridge, Mass.: The MJIT Press, 1991, 1996.
FRAMPTON, Kenneth. Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1996.
HARTOONIAN, Gevork. Ontology of Construction: On Nihilism of Technology in Theories of Modern Architecture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
FORD, E.R. The Details of Modern Architecture. Vol. 1,2. Cambridge, Mass.: The MJIT Press, 1991, 1996.
FRAMPTON, Kenneth. Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1996.
HARTOONIAN, Gevork. Ontology of Construction: On Nihilism of Technology in Theories of Modern Architecture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
教室講授 + 研習營教室講授 + 研習營
Classroom lecture + research and training

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8
授課教師 Teacher:羅時瑋
修課班級 Class:建築3-5,碩,工工博2B
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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