course information of 103 - 2 | 6867 Curating & Gallery Education (II)(展覽策劃與教育(二))

Taught In English6867 - 展覽策劃與教育(二) Curating & Gallery Education (II)

教育目標 Course Target

藉由策展案例分析藝術展演品質,並透過獨立策展人的創意、論述能力及研究理念、所邀約的藝術家及作品、行政團隊及推廣能力、場域及其文化特性等多方位資源整合,強化專業人才與軟硬資源整合的效益,並輔以實際案例說明:初期計劃、發展階段、執行階段的過程。 實際操作上透過策展企劃書的模擬,使學生對於這個領域專業有初步的了解與練習,並培養對國際趨勢和台灣藝術現象有觀察和分析的能力。 1.使學生對於展覽策劃與教育的範圍、發展背景、當代議題、台灣現象,有所認識,並能進一步分析和判斷。 2.透過專題研究,對相關文獻閱讀、現象調查、分析、參訪,並引介操作案例,使學生能從理論和實務面理解問題。Through curatorial cases, we analyze the quality of art performances, and integrate multiple resources from independent curators' creativity, essay skills and research concepts, invited artists and works, administrative teams and promotion capabilities, fields and cultural characteristics, and strengthen the benefits of integrating professional talents and soft resources, and use actual cases to illustrate: the process of initial planning, development stage, and execution stage. In actual operation, through the simulation of curatorial plans, students can have a preliminary understanding and practice of this field, and cultivate the ability to observe and analyze international trends and Taiwan art phenomena. 1. Enable students to have some understanding of the scope, development background, contemporary topics, and Taiwan phenomenon of development planning and education, and can further analyze and judge. 2. Through topic research, read, investigate, analyze, and visit related documents briefly, and introduce operational cases, so that students can understand problems from theory and practice.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is divided into the first and second sessions. The main content of the last session included the basic concept of exhibition work, and the division of labor of group competition and success through teamwork. Learn the concept of a scheduling organization, carry out the development of exhibition pre-planning, curatorial concepts and discussions, and assist with the off-campus exhibition review work. The next period will be for the production and implementation of exhibitions, and will emphasize the learning of various technical techniques of artistic planning, including selection, display space planning and visual design, publicity techniques and news drafts, promotion and educational planning research. In the process of learning along the side, we will gain experience in the exhibition.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.愛莉森•卡羅 (Alison Carroll),桂雅文譯《獨立策展人》-從企畫到執行的學習手冊(Independent Curators-A Guide for the Employment of Independent Curators ),2004,五觀藝術管理有限公司出版,台北
2 William J. Byrnes著,《藝術管理這一行》,民93,五觀,台北。
2.Craig Dresszen & Pam Korza編輯,《社區藝術管理》,民89,五觀,台北。
3.James P. Gelatt,《世紀曙光-非營利事業管理》,民90,五觀,台北。
4.G. E. Burcaw,張譽騰審訂,《博物館這一行》,民89,五觀,台北。
5.Simon Blackall & Jan Meek 編輯,《Marketing the Arts》,ICOM,1992,The Watermark Press,Singapore。
8. 碩博士論文,各式研討會專輯,「典藏」、「藝術家」等藝術雜誌及文化藝術報章報導。
1. Alison Carroll, Gui Yawen translated "Independent Curators" - Independent Curators - A Guide for the Employment of Independent Curators, 2004, published by Wuguan Art Management Co., Ltd., Taipei
2 by William J. Byrnes, "The Art Management Team", N. 93, Five Views, Taipei.
2. Edited by Craig Dresszen & Pam Korza, "Community Art Management", Min. 89, Five Views, Taipei.
3. James P. Gelatt, "The Dawn of the Century - Non-Profit Business Management", N.90, Five Views, Taipei.
4.G. E. Burcaw, Zhang Xunting review, "The Museum of the World", Min. 89, Five Views, Taipei.
5. Edited by Simon Blackall & Jan Meek, Marketing the Arts, ICOM, 1992, The Watermark Press, Singapore.
6. Nanye Shisheng, "Art and City" Independent Curator for 15 Years", Min. 93, Garden City, Taipei.
7. "The Words of Contemporary Artists" - Analyzing the Root Education and Realistic Warfare Professionals of Arts and Administrative Talents, 2004 Autumn Equinox, Taipei Contemporary Art Museum
8. Dr. Xun’s papers, various seminars, art magazines such as “collection” and “artist” and cultural arts newspapers.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
50 含出席率, 上課態度與期中評鑑等成績
Final review
50 期末總評含個人與小組口頭及書面報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/7,8
授課教師 Teacher:張惠蘭
修課班級 Class:美術碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀。隔週上課。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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