course information of 103 - 2 | 6862 Study on Shape Creation (II)(造形創作研究(二))

Taught In English6862 - 造形創作研究(二) Study on Shape Creation (II)

教育目標 Course Target

一. 造形藝術形式分析 二. 研究與運用造形的基本要素 三. 掌握造形之基本語彙 四. 造形創作研究與表現1. Analysis of plastic art forms 2. Research and apply the basic elements of modeling 3. Master the basic vocabulary of modeling 4. Research and performance of sculpture creation

課程概述 Course Description

Leading students in creation, through discussion and research on creation in class, teachers and students exchange opinions and discussions together. Emphasis is placed on individual teaching, paying attention to the skills and quality presentation of works, and the connection and interaction between works and the times.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Henry Focillon 著/吳玉成 譯;《造形的生命》;田園城市文化事業出版;2001;ISBN 9570406410
2. 《造形藝術的基礎》約翰.義庭 著/王秀雄譯,大陸書店,1989
3. 《設計心理學》The Psychology of Everyday Things,Donald A. Norman 著,卓耀宗 譯, 2000,台北,遠流
4. 《設計的原動力》Shaping Space著,台北:六合
5. 佟景韓/易英 主編《造型藝術美學》;原出版者:春風文藝出版社、遼寧教育出版社;紅葉文化事業有限公司出版;台北;1995。ISBN 9578677634。
6. John Berger(1998)。《影像的閱讀》(劉惠媛譯)。台北市:遠流。(原著出版年:1980年)。
7. 《解讀影像》視覺傳達設計的基本原理(Reading Images- The grammar of Visual Design)Gunther Kress &Theo Van Leeuwen 著;桑尼 譯/亞太圖書,1996
8. 《塑造空間》三度空間設計的原動力Paul Zelanski and Mary Pat Fisher 著,陳淑珍 譯,2000,Shaping Space。台北:六合。
9. 王林 著,《美術形態學》;亞太圖書公司出版;1993。ISBN9578510314。
10 《 Le mou et ses formes》 essai sur quelques catégories de la sculpture du XX e siècle, Maurice Fréchuret, 1993, Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
11 王秀雄(1991)。美術心理學:創造.視覺與造形心理,修訂。台北市:北市美術館。ISBN:957-00-0331-6。

12李長俊 譯(1985)。藝術與視覺心理學,版4。台北市:雄獅。Arnheim,R.(1976),Art and visual perception-a psychology of the creative eye.

13吳瑪俐 譯(1985)。點、線、面。台北市:藝術家。Kandinsky(1926),Punkt und linie zu flache.

14 張惠蘭 著(2011) ,《寶藏巖 流動的色彩密碼》公館水岸環境色彩計畫,台北:台北市政府文化局

15 張惠蘭 著(2013) ,《八斗子 流動的島嶼色彩》公共藝術計畫,基隆:國立海洋科技博物館

16 S. Kobayashi (1987), A book of Color, Tokyo.New York.London: Kodansha International.

17 J.P. Lenclos(1990), Couleurs de la France, Paris: Moniteur.

18 Shigenobu Kobayashi(1991), Color image scale, Tokyo.New York.London: Kodansha International.

19 J. Itten(1993), Art de la Couleur, Paris : edition abregée

20 J.P. Lenclos(1995) Couleurs de l’Europe, Moniteur, Paris.

21 賴瓊琦(1997) 《設計的色彩心理-色彩的意象與色彩文化》。台北:視傳文化事業有限公司。

22 Alexanden Theroux著,冷步梅 譯(1997) 《三原色》The Primary Color,台北:聯經出版社

23 higenobu Kobayashi(1998)COLORIST—A Practical Handbook for Personal and Profssional Use。Kodansha。

24 佟景韓、易英(1995)。《現代西方藝術美學文選:造型藝術美學卷》。台北市:洪葉文化。

25 J.P. Lenclos (1999), Couleurs du monde, Paris: Moniteur
26 山中俊夫 著,黃書倩譯 (2003) , 《色彩學的基礎》,台北:六合出版社。

27曾啓雄(2003) 《色彩的科學與文化》。台北: 耶魯國際文化。
貝蒂.愛德華(Betty E
1. Written by Henry Focillon/Translated by Wu Yucheng; "Shaped Life"; Garden City Cultural Enterprise Publishing; 2001; ISBN 9570406410
2. "Foundations of Plastic Arts" John. Written by Yiting/translated by Wang Xiuxiong, Mainland Bookstore, 1989
3. "The Psychology of Everyday Things", written by Donald A. Norman, translated by Zhuo Yaozong, 2000, Taipei, Yuanliu
4. "The Motive Power of Design" by Shaping Space, Taipei: Liuhe
5. Tong Jinghan/Yi Ying, editor-in-chief of "Plastic Art Aesthetics"; original publisher: Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House, Liaoning Education Press; published by Hongye Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.; Taipei; 1995. ISBN 9578677634.
6. John Berger(1998). "Reading of Images" (translated by Liu Huiyuan). Taipei City: Yuanliu. (Original publication year: 1980).
7. "Reading Images- The grammar of Visual Design" by Gunther Kress & Theo Van Leeuwen; translated by Sonny/Asia Pacific Books, 1996
8. "Shaping Space" The driving force behind three-dimensional space design, written by Paul Zelanski and Mary Pat Fisher, translated by Chen Shuzhen, 2000, Shaping Space. Taipei: Liuhe.
9. Wang Lin, "Art Morphology"; published by Asia Pacific Book Company; 1993. ISBN9578510314.
10 "Le mou et ses formes" essai sur quelques catégories de la sculpture du XX e siècle, Maurice Fréchuret, 1993, Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
11 Wang Xiuxiong (1991). Art Psychology: Creation. The Psychology of Vision and Form, revised. Taipei City: Taipei City Museum of Art. ISBN: 957-00-0331-6.

12 Translated by Li Changjun (1985). Art and Visual Psychology, ed. 4. Taipei City: Lion. Arnheim,R. (1976), Art and visual perception-a psychology of the creative eye.

13 Translated by Wu Mali (1985). Point, line, surface. Taipei City: Artist. Kandinsky (1926),Punkt und linie zu flache.

14 Zhang Huilan (2011), "Treasure Rock: Flow Color Code" Mansion Waterfront Environmental Color Plan, Taipei: Taipei City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau

15 Zhang Huilan (2013), "Badouzi: Flowing Island Colors" public art project, Keelung: National Museum of Marine Science and Technology

16 S. Kobayashi (1987), A book of Color, Tokyo. New York. London: Kodansha International.

17 J.P. Lenclos (1990), Couleurs de la France, Paris: Moniteur.

18 Shigenobu Kobayashi (1991), Color image scale, Tokyo. New York. London: Kodansha International.

19 J. Itten (1993), Art de la Couleur, Paris : edition abregée

20 J.P. Lenclos (1995) Couleurs de l’Europe, Moniteur, Paris.

21 Lai Qiongqi (1997) "Color Psychology of Design-Color Imagery and Color Culture". Taipei: Visual Communication Culture Enterprise Co., Ltd.

22 Alexanden Theroux, translated by Leng Bumei (1997) The Primary Color, Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House

23 Higenobu Kobayashi (1998) COLORIST—A Practical Handbook for Personal and Profssional Use. Kodansha.

24 Tong Jinghan, Yi Ying (1995). "Selected Essays on Modern Western Art Aesthetics: Plastic Arts Aesthetics Vol." Taipei City: Hongye Culture.

25 J.P. Lenclos (1999), Couleurs du monde, Paris: Moniteur
26 Written by Toshio Yamanaka, translated by Huang Shuqian (2003), "Basics of Color Science", Taipei: Liuhe Publishing House.

27 Zeng Qixiong (2003) "The Science and Culture of Color". Taipei: Yale International Culture.
Betty. Betty E

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
50 含平時與期中評圖成績, 課業準備、上課態度、專題討論、草稿、習作、模型、出席率及上課態度列入平時成績(無故缺課達3分之一以上者扣考)。
Final review picture
50 自創作品(單件或系列),不得延交、補交,無重大原因無故未出席評圖者以0分計。

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-6908 Study on Shape Creation (II) / 造形創作研究(二) (美術專班1,2,授課教師:林文海,一/10,11)

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6
授課教師 Teacher:張惠蘭
修課班級 Class:美術碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀。隔週上課。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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