1. Have a clear understanding of the historical evolution, contemporary style, painter style, and development trends of Japanese gel painting. Making substantial progress in understanding and mastering painting factors such as glue color patterning rules and color patterns.
2. After a deep understanding of the various techniques of gel painting in the picture, conduct creative research to form a creative individual with unique characteristics, artistic thinking ability and corresponding expression methods. Grasp the changing rules of glue painting from the contrast between the historical evolution and direction of Japanese glue painting, get enlightenment from new techniques, update artistic concepts, and explore the development direction of glue painting in the new era, in order to create new works with depth and contemporary sense.
Study the development of styles and trends of various eras of glue color painting, and at the same time, under the contemporary thinking of contemporary aesthetics, how to construct new concepts and explore new eras of glue color to enhance personal style expression and depth of thought.
˙《近代日本画の十人展》日本 日本経済新聞社 1991
˙武藏野美術大学日本画科研究室編:《現代日本画のの発想》 日本 武藏野美
術大学出版局 2004
˙辻惟雄:《日本美術の歴史》 東京大学出版社 2006
˙辻惟雄:《奇想の系譜》 筑摩書房 2004
˙矢代幸雄:《日本美術的特質》 岩波書店 1991
˙川端康成:《 美しい日本の私》 講談社 1969
˙大江健三郎 :《あいまいな日本の私》 岩波書店 1995
˙永江朗: 《平らな時代おたくな日本のスーバフーラト》原書房2003
˙北澤憲昭:《「日本画」の転位》 株式会社ブリュッケ 2003
˙谷村晃ら編集:《日本の美術》 勁草書房 1994
˙源豊宗:《日本美術の流れ》新思索社 2006
˙原田平作:《日本の近代美術》晃洋書房 1997
˙〈「日本画」ってなんだろう?〉,《美術手帖》2005 5月号
˙〈松井冬子特輯〉,《美術手帖》2008 1月号
˙松井冬子:《松井冬子畫集》株式会社エディシオン.トヴィレル 2008
˙三瀨夏之介:《ARKO2007三瀨夏之介 》財團法人 大原美術館 2008
˙三本太郎:《ニッポン画物見遊山》青幻舍 2009
˙"Ten People Exhibition of Modern Japanese Paintings" Japan Japan News Agency 1991
˙Editor of the Japanese Painting Research Office of Musashino University of Arts: "Imagination of Modern Japanese Painting" Japan Mishino
University of Science and Technology Publishing Bureau 2004
˙Ichio Amano: ""Japanese Painting" - Inner and Outer" 2004 Co., Ltd.
˙Yuzuki Tsuji: "History of Japanese Art" Tokyo University Press 2006
˙Yuzuki Tsuji: "The Wonderful Imagination" by Tsukima Book Room 2004
˙Yayo Yuki: "The Characteristics of Japanese Art" Iwahara Bookstore 1991
˙Yasuzu Kawabata: "American Japanese Private" Talk Club 1969
˙Kenzaburo Oe: "あいまなのののののの " Iwaha Bookstore 1995
˙Rang Nagae: "Hei らななべべぼスーバフーラト》 Original Book Room 2003
˙Kezawa Akira: "The End of "Japanese Painting"" Co., Ltd. 2003
˙Akira Tanimura edited by: "Japanese Arts" by Yokohara Bookstore 1994
˙Geniusen: "Japanese Arts Flow" New Thoughts Club 2006
˙Heisaku Harada: "Modern Japanese Art" Aoyo Bookstore 1997
˙〈 "Japanese painting"ってなんだきう? 〉, "Artist Posts" May 2005 issue
˙〈Special Editor of Tomoko Matsui〉, "Artist Post" January 2008 issue
˙Tokko Matsui: "Tokko Matsui's Picture Collection" Co., Ltd.ヴャレル 2008
˙Sanzuoshi Natsunosuke: "ARKO2007Sanzuoshi Natsunosuke" Financial Group Legal Person Ohara Art Museum 2008
˙Taro Sanbo: "ッポン Paintings and Views of the Mountain" Qinghuan House 2009
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 上課態度及出席率 |
報告成績報告成績 Report completion |
20 | |
期中成績期中成績 Midterm achievements |
30 | |
期末成績期末成績 Final results |
30 |