course information of 103 - 2 | 6818 Study of Cultural and Creative in(餐旅文創研究)

Taught In English6818 - 餐旅文創研究 Study of Cultural and Creative in

教育目標 Course Target

文化創意產業係以創意與知識為核心,各先進國家均將文化創意產業列為繼資訊產業後的新一波經濟動力。文化創意產業在全球化的過程中與地域性及族群的界線日益模糊,面貌漸趨相近,地方文化及藝術創作,具有多樣性、小型性、分散性等文創特色。 台灣多元的自然與人文環境以及豐富的地方特色,是文化產業發展的重要基礎,它所凝聚的民間活力,具有美學經濟體的價值。本課程希望能藉由文化創意涵養及素質深度廣度的養成,培養學生尋找讓人感動的台灣元素能力,培養創新餐旅產業的實務與理論,藉由餐旅產業與文化創意管理能力之養成,落實在地文化及全球性市場的思維。The cultural and creative industries are based on creativity and knowledge. All advanced countries have listed the cultural and creative industries as a new wave of economic power after the information industry. In the process of globalization, the boundaries between regions and ethnic groups in the cultural and creative industries are becoming increasingly blurred, and their appearances are gradually becoming similar. Local culture and artistic creations have cultural and creative characteristics such as diversity, small size, and decentralization. Taiwan's diverse natural and cultural environment and rich local characteristics are an important foundation for the development of the cultural industry. The folk vitality it embodies has the value of an aesthetic economy. This course hopes to cultivate students' ability to find touching Taiwanese elements through the cultivation of cultural and creative cultivation and the depth and breadth of quality, cultivate the practice and theory of innovative hospitality industry, and cultivate the management capabilities of hospitality industry and cultural creativity. Implement local culture and global market thinking.

課程概述 Course Description

The cultural and creative industries have been seen to become increasingly important to economic especially in hospitality of Taiwan. In the fast changing market, is challenged by a number of important issues. It must take advantage of its own strengths to re-organize the industrial chain, create demands and formulate marketing strategy through multi-disciplinary cooperation. The module of hospitality for cultural and creative industry focuses on how the hospitality sector itself is understood and functions in practice. However, the aim of this module are 1) to examine the application of marketing theory to cultural hospitality industries 2) to introduce and explore the significance of hospitality marketing, 3) to analyze the role of marketing in the public, private and non-profit sectors of cultural industries 4) to provide an understanding of the tools and techniques required to design a marketing plan in the cultural hospitality sector, 5) to develop an understanding of the cultural industries audiences. This module will help student to develop a better understanding of the cultural industry, both conceptually and empirically and in organizational, spatial and historical terms. Students will obtain the knowledge of key concepts and theoretical models of culture and creative in hospitality after completion this course.
The cultural and creative industries have been seen to become increasingly important to economic especially in hospitality of Taiwan. In the fast changing market, is challenged by a number of important issues. It must take advantage of its own strengths to re-organize the industrial chain , create demands and formulate marketing strategy through multi-disciplinary cooperation. The module of hospitality for cultural and creative industry focuses on how the hospitality sector itself is understood and functions in practice. However, the aim of this module are 1) to examine the application of marketing theory to cultural hospitality industries 2) to introduce and explore the significance of hospitality marketing, 3) to analyze the role of marketing in the public, private and non-profit sectors of cultural industries 4) to provide an understanding of the tools and techniques required to design a marketing plan in the cultural hospitality sector, 5) to develop an understanding of the cultural industries audiences. This module will help students to develop a better understanding of the cultural industry, both conceptually and empirically and in organizational, spatial and historical terms. Students will obtain the knowledge of key concepts and theoretical models of culture and creativity in hospitality after completing this course.

參考書目 Reference Books

There are no required textbooks for this course. All course material will be provided in the lessons and internet links. 課堂中提供PPT 檔及網路連結
There are no required textbooks for this course. All course material will be provided in the lessons and internet links.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and class interaction
30 課堂出席 (20%)與課堂互動(10%)
Final report
40 期末報告(書面、口頭報告):期末報告主題 ) 「選擇一國內外餐旅文創相關餐廳、旅館與地方觀光結合之主題 」。報告當天請繳交各一份投影片(ppt 檔)書面給老師,口頭報告時間含 Q&A
聽講感想 I & II聽講感想 I & II
Thoughts on listening to the lecture I & II
20 電影、美學、建築、書籍等個人心得分享紙本 (500 字 ), 口頭報告 5分鐘

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[M215]
授課教師 Teacher:張亦騏
修課班級 Class:餐旅專班2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 16 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 16 人。

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