訓練同學具備官僚體系運作與行政決策知識To train students to have knowledge about the operation of bureaucratic system and administrative decision-making
(1) 導論:政府官僚組織運作的本質。
(2) 第一線執行人員的行為分析:環境、信仰、經驗、專業規範、利益、文化。
(3) 中層主管所面臨的限制:營收的自由運用權、生產要素的控制權、組織目標的選擇權等等限制。
(4) 政府官僚組織人員的順服問題:如何控管不同特質政府機關基層行政人員的行為?
(5) 高層文官與政務官行為分析:勢力範圍、策略與革新
(6) 官僚組織的跨國比較
(7) 政府官僚組織制度設計的相關課題:行政體系的變革(問題的根源與變革途徑)
This course hopes to enable students to understand what different government bureaucratic organizations are doing (such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Labor Committee, the Ministry of National Defense, etc.)? What different behaviors do different bureaucratic organizations exhibit? Why do they behave so differently? The ultimate goal of the course is to hope that students can understand the truth about the operation of bureaucratic organizations and the impact of bureaucratic organization operations on administrative decision-making. The focus of the course is to discuss the administrative behaviors performed by administrative personnel at various levels in the government bureaucracy (front-line executives, middle-level supervisors, senior civil servants and administrative officials) as well as the hidden reasons and consequences behind these administrative behaviors. Results (especially the impact on administrative decisions).
The goals of government bureaucracies are usually very vague. When the goals are vague, front-line executives can easily define tasks based on their own environment, professional norms, past experiences and other factors, so their behavioral patterns often deviate The goals and behavioral standards defined by the organization; middle-level supervisors have incomplete supervisory authority (such as lack of control over revenue and personnel), so it is often difficult to control the compliance of grassroots personnel; senior civil servants and administrative officers are in a complex political environment, and they usually put political considerations first, so middle-level supervisors and Junior staff are often at a loss as to what to do, which of course also indirectly affects the behavior of junior staff and middle-level supervisors. This course contains the following units:
(1) Introduction: The nature of the operation of government bureaucratic organizations.
(2) Behavioral analysis of front-line executives: environment, beliefs, experience, professional norms, interests, and culture.
(3) Restrictions faced by middle-level managers: the right to freely use revenue, the right to control production factors, the right to choose organizational goals, etc.
(4) The issue of obedience of government bureaucratic personnel: How to control the behavior of grassroots administrative personnel of government agencies with different characteristics?
(5) Analysis of the behavior of high-level civil servants and administrative officials: spheres of influence, strategies and innovations
(6) Cross-national comparison of bureaucratic organizations
(7) Topics related to the design of government bureaucracy’s organizational system: changes in the administrative system (the root of the problem and ways to change)
自編中文講義。基本架構取材於James Q. Wilson(2000)Bureaucracy: What Agencies Do and Why They Do It. CA: The Basic Books, Inc.
William A. Niskanen, Jr.(2007)Bureaucracy and Public Economics, Vermont: Edward Elgard Publishing Company
Daniel P. Carpenter(2001)The Forging of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Reputations, Networks, and Policy Innovation in Executive Agencies, 1862-1928. N.J.: Princeton University Press.
David E. Lewis(2008)The Politics of Presidential Appointments: Political Control and Bureaucratic Performance N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Paul C. Light (1995) Thickening Government: Federal Hierarchy and the Diffusion of Accountability Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press
Designated textbooks
Self-compiled Chinese handouts. The basic structure is adapted from James Q. Wilson (2000) Bureaucracy: What Agencies Do and Why They Do It. CA: The Basic Books, Inc.
William A. Niskanen, Jr. (2007) Bureaucracy and Public Economics, Vermont: Edward Elgard Publishing Company
Daniel P. Carpenter (2001) The Forging of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Reputations, Networks, and Policy Innovation in Executive Agencies, 1862-1928. N.J.: Princeton University Press.
David E. Lewis(2008)The Politics of Presidential Appointments: Political Control and Bureaucratic Performance N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Paul C. Light (1995) Thickening Government: Federal Hierarchy and the Diffusion of Accountability Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press
Other important journal articles
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考試期中考試 midterm exam |
40 | 第一堂上課說明 |
期末書面報告期末書面報告 Final written report |
40 | 第一堂上課說明 |
出席率與課堂參與出席率與課堂參與 Attendance and Class Participation |
20 | 第一堂上課說明 |