本課程的目的,是希望結合傳統公共管理研究與現今社會發展所引發的「網絡化」現象的觀察,使同學對於跨域管理的重要性與在地性能有更為深刻的認識,課程內容較為適合有志往公共行政或公共事務相關研究所進修,或期望未來能在公部門中服務者。本課程前1/3,希望藉由相關理論的引介與討論,以及國外經驗的介紹,讓同學在概念上對於跨域管理的實務議題有獨立思考與分析的能力;接著在課程後2/3的單元中,將跨域管理的實務議題區分為「公私協力」、「政治、行政與府際關係」、以及「組織間協調」等三個主要方向來討論,並在期末的時候讓同學於課堂中分享自己對於個案研究的心得與發現,以收理論與實務結合的果效。The purpose of this course is to combine traditional public management research with the observation of the "networking" phenomenon caused by today's social development, so that students can have a deeper understanding of the importance and local performance of cross-domain management. The course content is relatively It is suitable for those who are interested in pursuing further studies in public administration or public affairs-related institutes, or who hope to serve in the public sector in the future. In the first 1/3 of this course, we hope that through the introduction and discussion of relevant theories and the introduction of foreign experience, students will be able to conceptually develop the ability to independently think and analyze practical issues in cross-domain management; and then in the last 2/3 of the course In unit 3, practical issues of cross-domain management will be The discussion is divided into three main directions: "Public-Private Partnership", "Politics, Administration and Inter-Governmental Relations", and "Inter-Organizational Coordination". At the end of the semester, students will be allowed to share their experiences and findings on the case study in class. , in order to achieve the effect of combining theory and practice.
次大戰後,由於經濟發展與對人民服務項目的增加,促使政府的規模不斷的膨脹,變成Waldo眼中所謂的「行政國」(Administrative State)。然石油危機後,各國政府體認到人民的需求無限,政府財政的能力有限的客觀事實,從1980年代起開始力行向右派靠攏的節約政策,權力下放,推動以顧客為導向,結果、效率與效能並重的管理理念,並結合企業與民間的資源,共同推動公共管理的工作。舉凡公私協力、跨域管理、協作管理、危機與災難管理、政策過程等等,都無可避免的面臨了參與多元化,運作複雜化,責任分散化的事實。換言之,現今大部分公共管理工作,已非政府部門單獨執行即可,必須跨越組織與地域疆界的藩籬,結合政府與民間的力量,建立最經濟,最易於管理的網絡關係,營造1+1大於2的綜效,以致於跨域所造成的網絡(network)與協作(collaboration)的運作機制,已成為理論與實務無可迴避的現象。這種殷切的需求,非但已成為國內外公共行政與公共事務系所的顯學,也成為文官培訓的重要課程,更顯示各級政府應培養公共管理者具有成為「跨域協調者」(boundary spanners)的能力。
After World War II, due to economic development and the increase in services to the people, the scale of the government continued to expand, turning it into what Waldo saw as an "Administrative State." However, after the oil crisis, governments of various countries realized the objective fact that people's needs are unlimited and government fiscal capabilities are limited. Since the 1980s, they have begun to implement frugal policies closer to the right, decentralize power, and promote customer-oriented, results, efficiency and The management concept of equal emphasis on efficiency and the combination of corporate and private resources are used to jointly promote the work of public management. Public-private collaboration, cross-domain management, collaborative management, crisis and disaster management, policy processes, etc., are inevitably faced with the fact that participation is diversified, operations are complicated, and responsibilities are dispersed. In other words, most of today's public management work can no longer be performed by non-governmental departments alone. It must transcend organizational and geographical boundaries, combine the power of the government and the private sector, establish the most economical and easy-to-manage network relationships, and create a 1+1 greater than 2, so that the operating mechanism of network and collaboration caused by cross-domain has become an unavoidable phenomenon in theory and practice. This ardent demand has not only become a prominent subject in public administration and public affairs departments at home and abroad, but also an important course in civil servant training. It also shows that governments at all levels should train public managers to become "boundary spanners" ) ability.
第一週 課程簡介:課程目標、上課方式與要求
1. 陳敦源、王光旭,(2005),〈跨域協調:組織間政策執行的管理「眉角」〉,《遊於藝雙月刊》,第53期,第三版。
第二週 理論:理性選擇
2. 陳敦源,(2009),《民主治理:公共行政與民主政治的制度性調和》,台北:五南。第四章(當代政治經濟學)、第五章(經濟學帝國主義)。
第三週 理論:理性選擇
3. 周雪光,(2003),《組織社會學十講》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社。第二講,一個交易成本經濟學的研究角度。
第四週 理論:網絡治理
4. 羅家德,(2003),《企業關係管理》,台北:聯經。第四章、第五章。
第五週 理論:網絡治理
5. 周雪光,(2003),《組織社會學十講》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社。第四講,組織與社會關係網絡。
第六週 理論:民主治理
6. 陳敦源,(2011),〈網絡治理與民主課責:監控民主下理性選擇理論觀點〉, 2011年中國行政學會年會「治理觀點下未來公共行政發展方向」研討會。
第七週 理論:民主治理
7. 陳敦源,(2011),〈透明之下的課責:台灣民主治理中官民信任關係的重建基礎〉,《文官制度季刊》,第1卷,第2期,頁21-55。
第八週 實務:公私協力(一):社會服務輸送(混合福利經濟)
8. 陳芬苓,(2007),〈國家與市場之外:地方政府中福利混合經濟之實踐〉,《國家與社會》,第2期,頁83-126。
9. 王光旭,(2011),〈社會網絡影響公私協力運作成效之研究:以台灣中醫與牙醫健康保險總額支付委員會為例〉,《行政暨政策學報》,第53期,頁65-114。
第十週 實務:公私協力(二):民營化與契約外包
10. 陳重安,(2011),〈政府契約委外的再檢視:目標、理論應用、績效衡量與知識論基礎〉,《公共行政學報》,第40期,頁111-143。
11. 王篤強、高迪理、吳秀照,(2010),〈台灣社會福利民營化的未預期後果:地方政府相關人員「官僚自主性」的初步闡釋〉,《社會政策與社會工作學刊》,第14卷,第2期,頁91-146。
第十一週 實務:公私協力(三):第三部門的角色
12. 孫煒,(2004),〈非營利管理的責任問題:政治經濟研究途徑〉,《政治科學論叢》,第20期,頁 141-166。
13. 黃源協、蕭文高,(2006),〈社會服務契約管理:台灣中部四縣市社會行政人員觀點之分析〉,《台大社工學刊》,第13期,頁173-218。
第十二週 實務:政治與行政(一):府際關係
14. 陳敦源,(1998),〈跨域管理:部際與府際關係〉,《公共管理》,黃榮護編。台北:商鼎。
15. 劉坤億,(2006),〈臺灣地方政府間發展夥伴關係之制度障礙與機會〉,《台灣民主季刊》,第3卷,第3期,頁1-34。
第十三週 實務:政治與行政(二):政務/事務關係
16. 陳敦源,(2002),《民主與官僚:新制度主義的觀點》,台北:韋伯。第六章。
17. 熊忠勇,(2009),〈我國公務倫理的困境與出路:從政務與事務的關係談起〉,《哲學與文化》,第36期,第1卷,頁45-67。
第十四週 實務:組織間協調(一):災難管理與電子跨域
18. 陳敦源、陳麗娟,(2010),〈政府救災與全民防衛動員:跨域管理的觀點〉,文章發表於2010年8月26日「全民防衛動員新思維與展望」學術研討會。
19. 胡龍騰、莊文忠、曾冠球,(2011),〈電子化跨域治理與政府行政效能:主/客觀評價之交叉檢證〉,論文發表於中國行政學會會員大會,「治理觀點下未來公共行政發展方向」學術研討會,2011年11月18日,台北:政大公企中心。
第十五週 實務:組織間協調(二):政策網絡管理
20. 王光旭、熊瑞梅,(2014),〈解嚴前後台灣都市政治的再檢視(1986-1992):網絡觀點下的台中市都市發展〉,《都市與計畫》。【預計2014年3月刊登】
21. 史美強、王光旭,(2008),〈台灣府際財政治理的競合關係:一個網絡分析的實證研究〉,《公共行政學報》,第28期,頁39-83。
第十六週 實務:組織間協調(三):跨域協調者的角色
22. 曾冠球,(2011),〈協力治理觀點下公共管理者的挑戰與能力建立〉,《文官制度季刊》,第3卷,第1期,頁27-52。
23. 曾冠球,(2011),〈公共管理者對於公私合夥風險的認知:調查與反思〉,《公共行政學報》,第41期,頁1-36。
第十七週 反思:跨域管理的困境
24. 陳敦源、張世杰,(2010),〈公
Week 1 Course Introduction: Course Objectives, Class Methods and Requirements
1. Chen Dunyuan and Wang Guangxu, (2005), "Cross-domain coordination: the management of inter-organizational policy implementation", "Youyuyi Bimonthly", Issue 53, Third Edition.
Week 2 Theory: Rational Choice
2. Chen Dunyuan, (2009), "Democratic Governance: Institutional Reconciliation of Public Administration and Democratic Politics", Taipei: Wunan. Chapter 4 (Contemporary Political Economy), Chapter 5 (Economics Imperialism).
Week Three Theory: Rational Choice
3. Zhou Xueguang, (2003), "Ten Lectures on Organizational Sociology", Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press. The second lecture is a research perspective on transaction cost economics.
Week 4 Theory: Network Governance
4. Luo Jiade, (2003), "Corporate Relationship Management", Taipei: Lianjing. Chapter 4, Chapter 5.
Week 5 Theory: Network Governance
5. Zhou Xueguang, (2003), "Ten Lectures on Organizational Sociology", Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press. Lecture 4: Organizational and Social Relationship Networks.
Week 6 Theory: Democratic Governance
6. Chen Dunyuan, (2011), "Network Governance and Democratic Responsibilities: Rational Choice Theory Perspectives under Monitoring Democracy", 2011 Chinese Administrative Society Annual Conference "Future Public Administration Development Direction from the Governance Perspective" seminar.
Week 7 Theory: Democratic Governance
7. Chen Dunyuan, (2011), "Accountability under Transparency: The Basis for Rebuilding the Trust Relationship between Officials and Citizens in Taiwan's Democratic Governance", "Civil Service Quarterly", Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 21-55.
Week 8 Practice: Public-Private Cooperation (1): Social Service Delivery (Mixed Welfare Economy)
8. Chen Fenling, (2007), "Beyond the State and the Market: The Practice of Welfare Mixed Economy in Local Governments", "State and Society", Issue 2, pp. 83-126.
9. Wang Guangxu, (2011), "Research on the impact of social networks on the effectiveness of public-private collaboration: Taking Taiwan's Traditional Chinese Medicine and Dental Health Insurance Total Payment Committee as an example", "Journal of Administration and Policy", Issue 53, pp. 65-114.
Week 10 Practice: Public-Private Cooperation (2): Privatization and Contract Outsourcing
10. Chen Chong'an, (2011), "Re-examination of government contract outsourcing: objectives, theoretical applications, performance measurement and epistemological foundations", "Journal of Public Administration", Issue 40, pp. 111-143.
11. Wang Duqiang, Gao Dili, and Wu Xiuzhao, (2010), "Unintended consequences of Taiwan's social welfare privatization: a preliminary explanation of the "bureaucratic autonomy" of local government personnel", "Journal of Social Policy and Social Work", Vol. Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 91-146.
Week 11 Practice: Public-private collaboration (3): The role of the third sector
12. Sun Wei, (2004), "Responsibility Issues in Non-Profit Management: Political Economic Research Approach", "Political Science Series", Issue 20, pp. 141-166.
13. Huang Yuanxie and Xiao Wengao, (2006), "Social Service Contract Management: Analysis of the Viewpoints of Social Administrators in Four Counties and Cities in Central Taiwan", "Journal of National Taiwan University Social Engineering", Issue 13, pp. 173-218.
Week 12 Practice: Politics and Administration (1): Intergovernmental Relations
14. Chen Dunyuan, (1998), "Cross-domain management: inter-ministerial and inter-governmental relations", "Public Management", edited by Huang Ronghu. Taipei: Shangding.
15. Liu Kunyi, (2006), "Institutional Obstacles and Opportunities for the Development of Partnerships among Local Governments in Taiwan", "Taiwan Democracy Quarterly", Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 1-34.
Week 13 Practice: Politics and Administration (2): Government Affairs/Affairs Relations
16. Chen Dunyuan, (2002), "Democracy and Bureaucracy: A New Institutionalist Perspective", Taipei: Weber. Chapter 6.
17. Xiong Zhongyong, (2009), "The Dilemma and Solution of my country's Public Service Ethics: Starting from the Relationship between Government Affairs and Affairs", "Philosophy and Culture", Issue 36, Volume 1, pp. 45-67.
Week 14 Practice: Inter-organizational coordination (1): Disaster management and electronic cross-domain
18. Chen Dunyuan and Chen Lijuan, (2010), "Government Disaster Relief and Nationwide Defense Mobilization: A Cross-Domain Management Perspective", article published in the academic seminar "New Thinking and Prospects for Nationwide Defense Mobilization" on August 26, 2010.
19. Hu Longteng, Zhuang Wenzhong, and Zeng Guanqiu, (2011), "Electronic cross-domain governance and government administrative effectiveness: cross-examination of subjective/objective evaluation", paper published at the General Assembly of the Chinese Administrative Society, "Future Public Affairs from a Governance Perspective "Administrative Development Direction" Academic Seminar, November 18, 2011, Taipei: National Chengchi University Public Enterprise Center.
Week 15 Practice: Inter-organizational coordination (2): Policy network management
20. Wang Guangxu and Xiong Ruimei, (2014), "Re-examination of Taiwan's urban politics before and after the lifting of martial law (1986-1992): Taichung's urban development from a network perspective", "Urban and Planning". 【Estimated to be published in March 2014】
21. Shi Meiqiang and Wang Guangxu, (2008), "Competition and Cooperation Relationships in Intergovernmental Fiscal Governance in Taiwan: An Empirical Study of Network Analysis", "Journal of Public Administration", Issue 28, pp. 39-83.
Week 16 Practice: Inter-organizational coordination (3): The role of cross-domain coordinator
22. Zeng Guanqiu, (2011), "Challenges and Capability Building of Public Managers from the Perspective of Collaborative Governance", "Civil Service Quarterly", Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 27-52.
23. Zeng Guanqiu, (2011), "Public Managers' Perception of Public-Private Partnership Risks: Survey and Reflection", "Journal of Public Administration", Issue 41, pp. 1-36.
Week 17 Reflection: The dilemma of cross-domain management
24. Chen Dunyuan, Zhang Shijie, (2010), "Public
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席、態度、討論與是否遵守上課規則出席、態度、討論與是否遵守上課規則 Attendance, attitude, discussion and compliance with class rules |
20 | |
一次課堂導讀含個案分享一次課堂導讀含個案分享 A class guide with case sharing |
40 | |
研讀筆記研讀筆記 Study Notes |
40 |