course information of 103 - 2 | 6603 Seminar on Urban Competitiveness and(城市競爭力與治理專題)

Taught In English6603 - 城市競爭力與治理專題 Seminar on Urban Competitiveness and

教育目標 Course Target

學習本課程之目的在於讓學習者能瞭解各國城市發展與城市治理的經驗,以做為台灣縣市合併後各直轄市與縣市發展方向的參考。The purpose of studying this course is to enable learners to understand the experiences of urban development and urban governance in various countries, so as to serve as a reference for the development direction of municipalities, counties and cities in Taiwan after the merger of counties and cities.

課程概述 Course Description

根據聯合國統計,2008年全球人口中, 城市人口所占的比例已超過50%,人口由鄉村移往城市的浪潮方興未艾。全球化趨勢與創新技術的發展,加速了全球經濟網絡的鏈結,跨越國界的商業行為與城市競爭,成為二十一世紀全球城市發展所必須面對的共同挑戰,因此如何提升城市國際競爭力遂成為本課程教學的主要標的。 一個城市要提升其城市國際競爭力,除了對內透過如活化產業經濟、創造宜居環境、高效率的城市治理等手法來解決城市發展所面臨的問題,使城市在全球化競爭的態勢下取得優勢,對外則需在特殊領域上,發揮其節點功能,提供一定特性的服務,清楚地確認城市之定位,形成與鄰近城市或其他國際城市以優勢為基礎,達成既競爭又合作之關係,更可刺激自己的成長與學習,藉以提升城市的國際競爭力。
According to United Nations statistics, urban populations accounted for more than 50% of the global population in 2008, and the wave of population migration from rural to urban areas is in the ascendant. The trend of globalization and the development of innovative technologies have accelerated the linkage of global economic networks. Cross-border business activities and urban competition have become common challenges that must be faced by the development of global cities in the 21st century. Therefore, how to enhance the international competitiveness of cities? It has become the main subject of teaching in this course. If a city wants to improve its international competitiveness, it must not only solve the problems faced by urban development internally through methods such as activating the industrial economy, creating a livable environment, and efficient urban governance, so that the city can achieve success in the context of global competition. advantages, externally they need to be in special fields On the other hand, it can give full play to its node function, provide services with certain characteristics, clearly confirm the city's positioning, and form a competitive and cooperative relationship with neighboring cities or other international cities based on its advantages. It can also stimulate its own growth and learning. To enhance the city’s international competitiveness.

參考書目 Reference Books



Li, Changyan (2013). Democratic urban governance: A case study of Taiwan. Taipei City: Yuan Zhao Publishing House.

Research on issues of urban governance in Taiwan (2008). Taipei City: Published by the Executive Yuan Research and Examination Association.

Improving the International Competitiveness of Cities (2009), published by the Executive Yuan Research and Examination Society.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend and participate in discussions
Midterm case report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11
授課教師 Teacher:李長晏
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 12 人。

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