course information of 103 - 2 | 6568 Studies on Life Education(生命教育研究)

Taught In English6568 - 生命教育研究 Studies on Life Education

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為本所發展生命教育教學與研究特色,所開授探討生命教育理論與實務的課程。課程的設計從「生命」的概念著手,接續思考生命教育的理念與內涵,探討如何建構自我正向的生命價值關,以及構思如何在教學場域中規劃與實踐培養學生正向的生命價值,讓修習之教師得以將所學融入日常教學與生活輔導中,並協助學生活更有意義的人生。課程整體設計的核心放在如何體認與建構正向的生命價值觀,並在生命歷程(生活)的實踐上強調在情境中的師生互動關係與影響。在課程架構上則分成三個面向來探討:第一個層面探討自我生命的基礎,探討生命的意義與價值議題;第二個層面探討生命倫理的議題,特別強調人與他人、人與環境的關係;第三個層面探討生命的自我實現議題,包括自我的成長以及社會關懷,並特別注重十二年國教實施後的適性輔導與學習增能。修課學生在本課程中,可以獲得下列六方面相關的知識與訓練: (一) 瞭解生命的總體本質與生命義意建構對生命內涵的影響。 (二) 瞭解生命教育推動的義意與生命教育的內涵。 (三) 瞭解生命意義與生活(人生歷程)抉擇的關係。 (四) 瞭解生命意義與自我成長、社會關懷的關係。 (五) 激發對生命價值探索的熱情與實踐。 (六) 獲得規劃與實踐生命教育教學課程的能力。This course is a course that develops life education teaching and research characteristics, and teaches a course that explores the theory and practice of life education. The course design starts from the concept of "life", and continues to think about the concept and connotation of life education, explores how to construct self-positive life values, and how to plan and practice students' positive life values ​​in the teaching field, so that teachers of cultivation can integrate what they learn into daily teaching and life guidance, and help learn a more meaningful life. The core of the overall design of the course is how to understand and construct positive life values, and to emphasize the relationship and influence of students and students in the situation in the actual life course (life). In the course structure, it is divided into three aspects to explore: the first level explores the foundation of self-life, explores the meaning and value issues of life; the second level explores the question of life ethics, and specifically emphasizes the relationship between people and others, people and the environment; the third level explores the self-realization of life, including self-growth and social concern, and pays special attention to the adaptability and learning energy enhancement after the implementation of twelve years of national teaching. In this course, students can obtain the following six related knowledge and training: (I) Understand the impact of the overall essence of life and the conceptual structure of life on the connotation of life. (II) Understand the meaning of promoting life education and the connotation of life education. (III) Understand the relationship between the meaning of life and life (life course). (IV) Understand the relationship between the meaning of life and self-growth and social ties. (V) Inspire enthusiasm and reality for the exploration of life value. (VI) Ability to plan and implement life education teaching courses.

參考書目 Reference Books

史密士•休斯頓 (Huston Smith),1998,人的宗教-人類偉大的智慧傳統。劉安雲譯,台北:立緒出版社。
Wang Yangming, 2009, was so ruined that only money was left. Taipei: Olive Publishing House.
Huston Smith, 1998, Human Religion - Human Wisdom Tradition. Liu'an Yunlu, Taipei: Lichang Publishing House.
Edited by He Futian, 2006, "Life Education". Taipei: Psychological Publishing House.
Educated by Wu Xiubi, 2006, "Life Education: Theory and Teaching Plan". Taipei: Psychological Publishing House.
Lin Zhiping Equity, 2004, Theory and Reality of Life Education. Taipei: Psychological Publishing House.
The root of man is the origin of life and the journey of dynasty. Hong Kong: Christian Cultural and Art Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular assessment accounts for 30%
30 (包括上課出席與課堂報告、參與)
Midterm report 30%;.
30 (口頭與短篇書面主題報告)
Final report accounts for 40%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/5,6,7
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:教育專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:教育研究所資源交流室上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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