course information of 103 - 2 | 6472 Employment and Welfare Policies(身心障礙就業與福利政策)

Taught In English6472 - 身心障礙就業與福利政策 Employment and Welfare Policies

教育目標 Course Target

1.探討障礙的多元概念與論述、相關理論及歷史發展,引導學生反思在歷史的時空中,障礙者如何被看見與身份如何被建構。 2.探討障礙者就業、福利與照顧的相關政策及立法,分析相關政策的哲理、原則以及政策的實務運作。 3.培養學生具備障礙就業與福利政策的分析能力。1. Explore the multi-concept and arguments of obstacles, related theories and historical development, and guide students to reflect on how obstacles are seen and identities are constructed in the time and space of history. 2. Explore relevant policies and legislation for employment, welfare and care of those who are unable to deal with, and analyze the philosophy, principles and policy practices of related policies. 3. Cultivate students to have the ability to analyze obstacles and welfare policies.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.王國羽、林昭吟、張恆豪主編(2012)。 障礙研究:理論與政策應用。 台北:巨流圖書公司。
2.吳秀照(2007)。身心障礙者就業需求與就業政策。 台北:雙葉書廊。
3.Shakespeare, T. (2014). Disability Rights and Wrongs Revisited. London: Routledge.
4.Roulstone, A. & Prideaux, S. (2012). Understanding Disability Policy. UK: the Policy Press.
5.Watson, N. (2008) (Ed.), Disability:Major Themes in Health and Social Welfare, vol. I-IV. London: Routledge.
6.Mackelprang, R. W. & Salsgiver, R. O. (2009). Disability: A Diversity Model Approach in Human Service Practice. Chicago, Illinois: Lyceum Books.
7.Swain, J., French, S. & Cameron, C. (2003). Controversial Issues in a Disabling Society. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
1.Editors by Wang Guoyu, Lin Zhaoyin, and Zhang Henghao (2012). Barrier research: theoretical and policy application. Taipei: Juliu Book Company.
2. Wu Xiuzhao (2007). People with physical and mental disabilities have employment needs and employment policies. Taipei: Double Leaf Library.
3.Shakespeare, T. (2014). Disability Rights and Wrongs Revisited. London: Routledge.
4.Roulstone, A. & Prideaux, S. (2012). Understanding Disability Policy. UK: the Policy Press.
5. Watson, N. (2008) (Ed.), Disability: Major Themes in Health and Social Welfare, vol. I-IV. London: Routledge.
6.Mackelprang, R. W. & Salsgiver, R. O. (2009). Disability: A Diversity Model Approach in Human Service Practice. Chicago, Illinois: Lyceum Books.
7. Swain, J., French, S. & Cameron, C. (2003). Controversial Issues in a Disabling Society. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Chinese reading and reporting writing
Final report writing
Class discussion meeting

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,Wednesday/10[SS303]
授課教師 Teacher:吳秀照
修課班級 Class:社工碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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