藝術理論的內涵,涉及的不僅是美學面向的探討,也和廣泛的社會思潮、藝術界外部的社會變遷有所關連。藝術理論與社會的連帶性有許多層面值得探索,本課程特別從最根本的提問:「藝術是什麼?」出發,這項命題蘊含著濃厚的藝術社會學意義,因藝術的定義在人類史上從未定於一尊,卻在各個特定的時期、每個既定的藝術界裡擁有約定俗成的主流定義,以及更多非主流的迥異定義。若無法掌握「藝術是什麼?」的社會學意涵,似乎難以徹底開展藝術社會學的研究。本課程選擇美國哲學家暨藝術評論者Arthur C. Danto關於藝術終結論的兩本著作進行深入研讀,探討藝術定義之歷史流變,進而從中探究藝術理論與社會變遷的關連。早在1964年,Danto 已經為文 <藝術界>(The Artworld),思辯Andy Warhol同年作品Brillo cartons 所爆發的藝術定義爭議:究竟Andy Wahol所創作的Brillo箱子,與擺置在賣場裡的同樣箱子有何不同?外觀上兩者雷同,但為何前者是藝術作品,後者卻只是日常用品?此文可說開展了 Danto對於藝術本質的哲學思考。而他在1984年,20年後所主張的「藝術終結」概念,看似一個聳動大膽的主張,然而Danto藝術終結的概念並非意味著藝術之死,而是主張現代主義興起後,傳統藝術史的宏大論述已不復存在,而現代主義所主張的純粹性,也在當代藝術發展過程中被揚棄,呈現出難以使用任何標準來衡量藝術的自由多元創作時代,藝術也不在定於繪畫一尊,在題材與媒材上皆多元化,更進一步改寫當代美術館的體質、策展人的屬性、以及藝術與公眾的關連; 藝術歷史終結,當代藝術被Danto詮釋為後歷史的藝術(Post-Historical Art)。The connotation of art theory involves not only the discussion of aesthetic aspects, but also is related to widespread social trends and social changes outside the art world. There are many levels of connection between art theory and society that deserve to be explored. This course starts from the most fundamental question: "What is art?" This proposition contains a strong sociological significance of art, because the definition of art has never existed in human history. It is not determined by one figure, but it has established mainstream definitions in each specific period and in each established art world, as well as more non-mainstream and different definitions. If we cannot grasp the sociological implications of "What is art?", it seems difficult to thoroughly conduct research on the sociology of art. This course selects two works by American philosopher and art critic Arthur C. Danto on the end of art for in-depth study, exploring the historical evolution of the definition of art, and then exploring the relationship between art theory and social change. As early as 1964, Danto was already writing for The Artworld, pondering the controversy over the definition of art that erupted with Andy Warhol’s Brillo cartons of the same year: Are the Brillo boxes created by Andy Wahol the same boxes placed in stores? What's the difference? The two are similar in appearance, but why is the former a work of art and the latter just a daily necessities? This article can be said to have launched Danto’s philosophical thinking on the nature of art. The concept of "the end of art" that he advocated in 1984, 20 years later, seems to be a sensational and bold proposition. However, Danto's concept of the end of art does not mean the death of art, but advocates that after the rise of modernism, traditional art history The grand discourse of modernism no longer exists, and the pure Purity has also been abandoned in the development process of contemporary art, presenting an era of free and diverse creation where it is difficult to use any standards to measure art. Art is no longer limited to painting, but is diversified in subject matter and media, further rewriting the contemporary The constitution of the museum, the attributes of the curator, and the relationship between art and the public; The end of art history, contemporary art is interpreted by Danto as post-historical art (Post-Historical Art).
➢ Arthur C. Danto, 1986, The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art. New York : Columbia University Press. 中譯本:亞瑟.丹托(Arthur C. Danto)著 ,歐陽英譯,2001,《藝術的終結》。江蘇: 江蘇人民出版社。
➢ Arthur C. Danto, 1997, After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of the Pale of History. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. 中譯本:亞瑟.丹托(Arthur C. Danto)著 ,林雅琪、鄭惠雯譯,2004,《在藝術終結之後》。臺北:麥田出版社。
➢ 梁光耀著,2013,《藝術終結:論丹托的藝術哲學》。臺北:五南出版社。
➢ 黨聖元主編,吳子林選編,2011,《藝術終結論》。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
4. Main reading books:
➢ Arthur C. Danto, 1986, The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art. New York: Columbia University Press. Chinese translation: Written by Arthur C. Danto, translated by Ouyang Ying, 2001, "The End of Art". Jiangsu: Jiangsu People's Publishing House.
➢ Arthur C. Danto, 1997, After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of the Pale of History. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. Chinese translation: Arthur C. Danto, Yaqi Lin , translated by Zheng Huiwen, 2004, "After the End of Art". Taipei: Wheatfield Publishing House.
5. Secondary information reference:
➢ Liang Guangyao, 2013, "The End of Art: On Danto's Philosophy of Art". Taipei: Wunan Publishing House.
➢ Editor-in-chief Dang Shengyuan, selected editor Wu Zilin, 2011, "Theory on the End of Art". Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時表現平時表現 daily performance |
30 | |
文獻回顧memo與導讀報告文獻回顧memo與導讀報告 Literature review memo and introduction report |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 |