course information of 103 - 2 | 6415 Seminar on Reflexive Modernization(反身性現代化專題)

Taught In English6415 - 反身性現代化專題 Seminar on Reflexive Modernization

教育目標 Course Target

反身現代化(reflexive modernization)或反身現代性(reflexive modernity) 的提出,主要嘗試重估社會學作為有關「當前」的科學及後現代主義的替代方案。 這個概念雖以「後工業社會」(post-industrial society)和「後物質社會」 (postmaterial society)等觀念為基礎,但強調現代化過程本身如何成為現代性 的對象。相關理論聚焦於現代性理念之實現所造成的各種變遷(包括專業主義、 福利國家、市場體制、公民權等),而這些「現代性的成就」標誌了向「第二現 代性」(second modernity)的轉變。之所以稱為反身現代性,是因與於現代性 的較早版本(簡單或第一現代性〔simple or first modernity〕)相對立,正如簡 單或第一現代性與封建傳統主義對立。第一現代性的各種制度(如國家、家庭、 市場)因經濟與文化的全球化而經歷劇烈的變化,隨著個體化(individualization) 的興起,先前社會凝聚(solidarity)的來源愈來愈失去力量。本課程主要聚焦 於 Anthony Giddens、Ulrich Beck 及 Scott Lash 這三個社會理論家的理論,介 紹各家對自反現代化的剖析、特徵刻畫及研究意涵。除導論外,各家理論各分為 理論導論、重要理論原典及應用論文三部分,俾使修課學習如何運用理論於經驗 研究。reflexive modernization or reflexive modernity was proposed as an attempt to re-evaluate sociology as a science of the "present" and as an alternative to postmodernism. Although this concept is divided into "post-industrial society" and "post-material society" (postmaterial society) and other concepts, but emphasizes how the modernization process itself becomes modernity object. Relevant theories focus on the various changes caused by the realization of the concept of modernity (including professionalism, Welfare state, market system, citizenship, etc.), and these "achievements of modernity" mark the transition to the "second modernity" "second modernity" transformation. The reason why it is called reflexive modernity is because of the as opposed to an earlier version of (simple or first modernity), as in simple Single or first modernity is in opposition to feudal traditionalism. The various institutions of first modernity (such as the state, family, The market) has undergone drastic changes due to economic and cultural globalization. With individualization (individualization) With the rise of society, previous sources of social solidarity have increasingly lost their power. This course mainly focuses on Based on the theories of three social theorists, Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Scott Lash, the The analysis, characteristics and research implications of reflexive modernization by various schools are introduced. In addition to the introduction, each theory is divided into It consists of three parts: theoretical introduction, important theoretical classics and application papers, so that students can learn how to apply theory to experience. Research.

參考書目 Reference Books

Please refer to the progress instructions for each week

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Text introduction
Final report
Attendance and class discussions

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:許甘霖
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 3 人。

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