本課程主要是探討非營利組織的財務管理,如何透過有效率的財務管理來達到非營利組織的永續經營。非營利組織與營利事業最大的差異來自於其使命的不同,營利事業主要是透過服務、產品的提供來獲取利潤;而非營利組織則是透過籌錢、募款來使得服務得以持續提供。也因此,非營利組織的財務管理也就愈顯得重要。本課程的目標是希望學生們堂修習完本課程之後,能夠了解到整個非營利組織的財務如何獲得有效的管理。This course mainly discusses the financial management of non-profit organizations and how to achieve sustainable operations of non-profit organizations through efficient financial management. The biggest difference between non-profit organizations and for-profit enterprises comes from their different missions. For-profit enterprises mainly make profits through the provision of services and products; while non-profit organizations make continuous provision of services by raising money and donations. Therefore, the financial management of non-profit organizations has become increasingly important. The goal of this course is that after completing this course, students will be able to understand how to effectively manage the finances of the entire non-profit organization.
Financial Management of Non-profit Enterprises, 2005, Huang Deshun, Dingmao Books Publishing.
Handouts are distributed with the class.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |