所謂「非營利組織」係泛指自外於政府部門(第一部門)及營利部門(第二部門)以外的組織,共同形成以公益為先的「第三部門」(The Third Sector),對於營利部門不願介入,而政府又力猶未逮的文化及社會等領域,非營利組織的參與適當地填補了社會需求與供給之間的缺口。
爰為增進同學們對非營利組織募款相關理論與實務的瞭解,本課程規劃就「募款議題」介紹非營利組織如何募集組織存續所需的有形資源--預算經費捐款。課程內容將分就「法制議題、募款倫理、能力建構&策略、募款團隊、募款計畫書、捐助者、募款活動、捐贈類型、募款管道、合作夥伴、國際經驗」等主題進行研討,期能透過價值層面的討論,端正社會資源運用的自律與他律規範,並邀請NPO募款實務工作者參與課堂進行座談,期能借鏡實務上的創新方法,瞭解、學習非營利組織募款之道。The so-called "non-profit organization" generally refers to organizations outside the government department (first department) and the for-profit department (second department), which together form "The Third Sector" (The Third Sector) that puts public welfare first. In areas such as culture and society where the for-profit sector is unwilling to intervene and the government is still unable to address them, the participation of non-profit organizations can appropriately fill the gap between social demand and supply.
Although with the development and maturity of civil society, the scale and output value of non-profit organizations around the world have not only surpassed the for-profit sector, but have also become indispensable partners of the government in terms of functional roles. However, as a result of shouldering broad social needs and providing public services, non-profit organizations generally face the problem of serious financial gaps. Although non-profit organizations are nicknamed "third-party governments," they do not have the public power to tax like the government. Therefore, how to absorb tangible and intangible resources has become the primary issue for the survival and development of non-profit organizations. Fortunately, non-profit organizations have the "public" nature of taking private things and making them public, removing private things and keeping them public, and they make substantial contributions and participation in public services. Therefore, it can obtain the legality and legitimacy to draw on social resources under the relevant legal regulations of the government.
In order to enhance students' understanding of the theories and practices related to non-profit organization fundraising, this course is planned to introduce "fundraising issues" on how non-profit organizations raise the tangible resources required for the organization's survival - budgets, funds and donations. The course content will be divided into topics such as "legal issues, fundraising ethics, capacity building & strategies, fundraising teams, fundraising plans, donors, fundraising activities, donation types, fundraising channels, partners, international experience" Conduct discussions, hoping to correct the self-discipline and heteronomy in the use of social resources through discussions at the value level, and invite NPO fundraising practitioners to participate in class discussions, hoping to learn from innovative methods in practice, understand and learn from non-profit organizations Fundraising tips.
Benefield, Elizabeth A. & Richard L. Edwards (1998) Fundraising. In Richard L. Edwards & John A. Yankey (eds.) Skills for effective management of nonprofit organizations (pp. 59-77). Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
Froelich, Karen A. (2001) Diversification of Revenue Strategies: Evolving Resource Dependence in Nonprofit Organizations. In J. Steven Ott (ed.) Understanding nonprofit organizations: governance, leadership, and management (pp. 182-194). Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
Gelles, Eran (2001) Fundraising. In J. Steven Ott (ed.) Understanding nonprofit organizations: governance, leadership, and
"Designated Books"
"Public Welfare Solicitation Regulations", "Public Welfare Solicitation Regulations", "Public Welfare Solicitation Regulations" and "Public Welfare Solicitations Licensing Measures" were retrieved from "National Laws and Regulations Database" http://law.moj.gov.tw/
Revised and revised by Jiang Ming (2004) Non-profit Innovation Management. Taipei: Zhisheng Culture Publishing House.
Translated by Chen Xilin et al. (2002) Fundraising success. Taipei: Five Views Art Management Co., Ltd.
Feng Yan (2004) The establishment of a public welfare self-regulatory mechanism for Taiwan’s non-profit organizations. Journal of the Third Department, Issue 1, pp. 97-125.
Huang Qingrong (2006) Analysis of NGO fundraising strategies. Journal of Non-Governmental Organizations, Issue 1, pp. 45-86.
Executive Yuan Youth Counseling Committee (2005) Non-profit Organization Development Guidelines 3. Retrieved on January 1, 2009 from http://www.nyc.gov.tw/chinese/all_in1/04_publish_list.php?page=0&MainID=21&fid=1&Type=.
Executive Yuan Youth Counseling Committee (2006) Non-profit Organization Development Guidelines 4. Retrieved on January 1, 2009 from http://www.nyc.gov.tw/chinese/all_in1/04_publish_list.php?page=0&MainID=21&fid=1&Type=.
Wang Zhenxuan (2006) Constructing the fundraising capabilities of non-governmental organizations. Journal of Non-Governmental Organizations, Issue 1, pp. 117-138.
Wang Hao (2002) introduced "fundraising"-the basis for the survival of non-profit organizations. Fengjia Cooperative Economy, Issue 34, pp. 39-55.
Lin Yiying, Zhu Yingxun, Chen Lili (2007) Discussion on the fundraising practice of Hongdao Elderly Welfare Foundation. Community Development Quarterly, Issue 118, pp. 112-120.
Lin, Yali (1998) Fundraising ethics for non-profit organizations. Personnel Administration, Issue 125, pp. 51-54.
Zhang Kunshan (2006) Research on fundraising strategies of non-profit organizations-taking blood donors’ donation behavior as an example. Journal of Truth and Kindness Research and Development, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 213-224.
Zhang Shuling (2007) Discussion on the supervision and management of consortium legal persons. Accounting Today, Issue 109, pp. 33-45.
Chen Jiayu (2007) The policy orientation and review of the public welfare solicitation regulations. Community Development Quarterly, Issue 118, pp. 163-179.
Chen Zhengzhi, Lin Yuwen, Huang Qianyu (2006) A new channel for marketing and fundraising of non-profit organizations: the Internet. Community Development Quarterly, Issue 115, pp. 101-111.
Chen Zhenyuan and Tang Huiwen (2000) Research on fundraising strategies of public welfare charities in Taiwan. Tamkang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Issue 6, pp. 61-82.
Lu Wanping (1995) "One Day Donation" fundraising campaign in Taiwan. Social Welfare, Issue 119, pp. 13-18.
Peng Huaizhen (1994) gave birth to good fundraising regulations. Social Welfare, Issue 114, pp. 10-14.
Zeng Huayuan and Zhang Youxin (2007) Financial management is the foundation of non-profit organizations’ fundraising accountability. Community Development Quarterly, Issue 118, pp. 121-141.
Fei Chunhua (1996) Make good use of private welfare resources and improve fundraising activities. Social Welfare, Issue 125, pp. 17-21.
Translated by Huang Xiaoru (2007) When Handi Meets the New Philanthropist. Taipei: Tianxia Culture Publishing House.
Huang Qingrong (2006) Analysis of NGO fundraising strategies. Journal of Non-Governmental Organizations, Issue 1, pp. 45-86.
Zheng Yishi and Zhang Yingzhen (2001) Discussion on the cooperative fundraising model between non-profit organizations and corporate organizations-taking private welfare service delivery organizations as an example. Soochow Journal of Social Work, Issue 7, pp. 1-36.
Xie Qinglong and Zhu Baoqing (2007) Research on the fundraising strategies of social sports organizations in Changhua County from the perspective of marketing and public relations. Journal of Innovation R&D, Special Issue, pp. 66-80.
Xie Denwang and Cai Peiqiong (2004) Fundraising strategies of non-profit organizations--also on the practices of private Yuanzhi University. General Theory Series, Issue 2, pp. 1-25.
Benefield, Elizabeth A. & Richard L. Edwards (1998) Fundraising. In Richard L. Edwards & John A. Yankey (eds.) Skills for effective management of nonprofit organizations (pp. 59-77). Washington, D.C.: NASW Press .
Froelich, Karen A. (2001) Diversification of Revenue Strategies: Evolving Resource Dependence in Nonprofit Organizations. In J. Steven Ott (ed.) Understanding nonprofit organizations: governance, leadership, and management (pp. 182-194). Boulder, Colo .: Westview Press.
Gelles, Eran (2001) Fundraising. In J. Steven Ott (ed.) Understanding nonprofit organizations: governance, leadership, and
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