course information of 103 - 2 | 6374 Seminar on the third Sector and Democratic Administration(第三部門與民主行政專題)

Taught In English6374 - 第三部門與民主行政專題 Seminar on the third Sector and Democratic Administration

教育目標 Course Target

本課程目標是希望學生對下列幾項課題有所瞭解:壹、第三部門與政府再造的關係;貳、治理與「新公共管理」( New Public Management;NPM )的相關性;參、代議民主與課(問)責;肆、「新公共管理」途徑的課責問題;伍、檢視第三部門如何負起「施政」責任。The purpose of this course is to hope that students will understand the following topics: 1. The relationship between Part III and government reconstruction; the correlation between management and governance and "New Public Management" (NPM); participation and representative democracy and course (question); simplification and "new public management" path; wu. How Part III is responsible for "government".

參考書目 Reference Books


林鍾沂、柯義龍、歐崇亞,2010 <探索行政倫理的道德支柱>,《2010第六屆兩岸四地公共管理國際學術研討會》,兩岸四地公共管理研討會理事會、義守大學公共政策與管理學系主辦。

柯義龍(2005 )<提升行政效能的策略--改革理論與實務的反思>,《公共服務績效與公民信任:
柯義龍(2007 )<第三部門在政策過程中的角色: 治理理論觀點>,《第三部門與公共政策》 學

Gilmour, Robert S.(1998).Reinventing Government Accountability: Public
Functions, Privatization, and the Meaning of “State Action”. Public Administration Review.Vol.No.3.

Haque M. Shamsul.( 2000). Significance of accountability under the new approach to public governance. International Review of Administrative Sciences Vol. 66 (2000), 599–617.

McGarvey, Neil(2001). Accountability in Public Administration: A Multi-Perspective Framework of Analysis. Public Policy and Administration.16 No.2.


The political implications of Ke Yilong (2009) and its theoretical basis. Taipei, Liwen and Cultural Affairs.

Lin Longyi, Ke Yilong, Eu Chongya, 2010 , "2010 Sixth International Academic Seminar on Public Administration in Cross-Straits and Four Regions", Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Public Administration Seminar on Cross-Straits and Four Regions, and the Department of Public Policy and Management of Yishou University.

Ke Yilong (2005), "Public Service Effectiveness and Citizen Trust:
"Innovation of Theory and Practice" Academic Seminar, Head of the Department of Public Administration at Donghai University.

Ke Yilong (2007), "The Third Part III and Public Policy" Study
Art seminar, chair of the Department of Administrative Management and Policy at Donghai University.

Ke Yilong (2008) , "2008: Changes and Challenges" Academic Seminar, Chinese Political Science Association,
The head of the Department of Political Science and Research Institute of National Chungche University.

Gilmour, Robert S. (1998).Reinventing Government Accountability: Public
Functions, Privatization, and the Meaning of “State Action”. Public Administration Review.Vol.No.3.

Haque M. Shamsul.( 2000). Significance of accountability under the new approach to public governance. International Review of Administrative Sciences Vol. 66 (2000), 599–617.

McGarvey, Neil(2001). Accountability in Public Administration: A Multi-Perspective Framework of Analysis. Public Policy and Administration.16 No.2.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class report and participation discussion (including attendance)
Final report
50 研究生就課程內容自行定題目撰寫小論文(字數5000左右)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/10,11,12
授課教師 Teacher:柯義龍
修課班級 Class:第三部門1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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