教學目的:非營利性組織,或第三部門乃是傳統舊時代的慈善活動的延續。儘管它的存在遍及各個國度並且行之多年,但是它對當今社會的影響面向卻是前所未有;它已經涵蓋了醫療、教育、文化、社會救助等等項目,一般民眾對非營利組織的高度依賴也習以為常。雖然有謂第三部門的出現在於回應資本主義國家的市場失靈(marketplace failure)所造成的問題,它卻也是民主制度的獨特現象。另一方面許多社會主義國家均強調以政府的工具及稅賦的補貼來提供上述的勞務與計劃,但因行政官僚體系的僵化及無感於民眾的需求而受到詬病。上述原因說明了第三部門為何興起及如何普遍受到一般民眾之倚重。
第三部門的運作除了靠源源不斷的慈善捐贈及無數的志工投入外,雖然它與政府部門或私人企業的目的及營運方式不盡相似,但是在管理方面有幾分的雷同 - 這些組織的興衰榮枯均依靠有效的管理與卓越的領導。隨著第三部門的不斷擴張,對於該部門的研究更形重要,尤其是組織領導的議題。Teaching purpose: a non-profit organization, or the third part, is the extension of traditional old-time charitable activities. Although its existence has been in various countries and has been around for many years, its impact on today's society is unprecedented; it has covered medical, education, culture, social assistance and other projects, and the general public's high reliance on non-profit organizations is considered common. Although the third part appears in response to the marketplace failure of the capitalist country, it is also a unique phenomenon of democratic institutions. On the other hand, many socialist countries have emphasized the use of government tools and tax supplements to provide the above-mentioned policies and plans, but are affected by the rigidity of the administrative bureaucracy and the inability to feel the needs of the people. The above reasons illustrate why the third part has risen and how it is generally relied on by the general public.
In addition to the continuous charitable donations and numerous volunteer investments, the operation of the third part is not as similar to the purpose and operation methods of government departments or private enterprises, but it is somewhat similar in management - the ups and downs of these organizations rely on effective management and excellent leadership. With the continuous expansion of the third part, the research on this part is more important, especially the topic of organizational leadership.
志工管理 江明修主編 智勝文化 2003
Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal, Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, (San Francisco CA, Jossey-Bass Inc., 2003)
Edgar H. Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership, (San Francisco CA, Jossey-Bass Inc., 1996)
Suresh Srivastva and Associates, Executive Power, (San Francisco CA, Jossey-Bass Inc., 1986)
Henry P. Sims, Jr. and Peter Lorenzi, The New leadership Paradigm: Social Learning and Cognition in Organizations, SAGE Publications Newbury Park, CA, 1992
說故事的領導Lead with a story (2012)Paul Smith 保羅.史密斯著 高子梅譯(2014,10 大雁出版基地發行)
Leadership Skills: Developing Volunteers for Organizational Success, Emily Kittle Morrison, (Fisher Books, Tucson, AZ. 1994)
Principals of Organizational Behavior: Realities and Challenges, 7th eds, James Campbell Quick & Debra L. Nelson, ( South-Western, A Cengage Learning Company, 2011) (組織行為: 林家五譯 華泰文化事業股份有限公司, 2011, 5)
沒權力也能有影響力:學會Exchange交涉術(Influence without authority 作者:亞倫.柯恩)。臉譜文化 2008/3/19
金色團隊。Four Seasons 作者:伊薩多.夏普。 譯者:吳書榆 三采出版社 2009/9/25
星巴克:比咖啡更重要的事。Howard Beha, Janet Goldst大智通 2009/7/2
領導未來的CEO:12堂EMBA名師的管理必修課。作者:盧希鵬,范揚松,吳宗祐,黃丙喜,吳春來 商周出版社 2011/11/15
阿波羅與酒神-工作型態變動下的個人與組織 作者:查爾斯.韓第天下文化出版社 2006/11/1
Volunteer Management Editor Jiang Mingxiu Intelligent Culture 2003
Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal, Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, (San Francisco CA, Jossey-Bass Inc., 2003)
Edgar H. Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership, (San Francisco CA, Jossey-Bass Inc., 1996)
Suresh Srivastva and Associates, Executive Power, (San Francisco CA, Jossey-Bass Inc., 1986)
Henry P. Sims, Jr. and Peter Lorenzi, The New Leadership Paradigm: Social Learning and Cognition in Organizations, SAGE Publications Newbury Park, CA, 1992
Lead with a story (2012) by Paul Smith by Paul Smith Gao Zimei (2014, published by Dayan Publishing Base)
Leadership Skills: Developing Volunteers for Organizational Success, Emily Kittle Morrison, (Fisher Books, Tucson, AZ. 1994)
Principals of Organizational Behavior: Realities and Challenges, 7th eds, James Campbell Quick & Debra L. Nelson, ( South-Western, A Cengage Learning Company, 2011) (Organizational Behavior: Lin Jiawulu Huatai Cultural Affairs Co., Ltd., 2011, 5)
Shaping corporate culture: the power of corporate development, Jiang Ling translated
Z-type high efficiency management, Lin Rui Tang Lu
Bushido - the power that influences Japan's deepest, Wu Rong Chenlu
There is influence if you don't have power: Influence without authority (Arron Cohen). Facial Culture 2008/3/19
Golden team. Four Seasons Author: Isador Sharp. Translator: Wu Shuyu Sancai Publishing House 2009/9/25
Starbucks: More important than coffee. Howard Beha, Janet Goldst 2009/7/2
Lead the future CEO: 12 EMBA master's management compulsory course. Author: Lu Xihuang, Fan Yangsong, Wu Zongyou, Huang Bingxi, Wu Chunlai Shang and Zhou Publishing House 2011/11/15
Apollo and Dionysian - Personal and Organization under the Change of Work Type Author: Charles. Korean Culture Publishing House 2006/11/1
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平常出席平常出席 Usually attend |
20 | |
平常口頭報告平常口頭報告 Ordinary mouth report |
40 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 |