本課程探討加入空間因素考量後之經濟活動在空間分佈上有何改變與影響,並運用經濟學分析工具探討各種都市問題。主要內容包括都市土地使用、都市結構型態、都市住宅市場、都市運輸、廠商區位理論與聚集經濟等相關都市議題等。本課程分為兩部份:第一部份介紹都市經濟模型等基礎理論,第二部份針對相關之都市議題進行分析,主要目的在引發學生思考相關之都市問題並運用經濟理論進行都市相關議題之分析。This course explores the changes and impacts of economic activities in space distribution after the addition of space factors, and uses economic analysis tools to explore various urban problems. The main contents include urban land use, urban structure, urban residential market, urban transportation, manufacturer area theory and economic gathering related urban issues. This course is divided into two parts: the first part introduces basic theories such as urban economic models, and the second part analyzes related urban discussions. The main purpose is to induce students to think about related urban problems and use economic discussions to analyze urban related issues.
This course explores the changes and impacts of economic activities in space distribution after the addition of space factors, and uses economic analysis tools to explore various urban problems. The main contents include urban land use, urban structure, urban residential market, urban transportation, manufacturer area theory and economic gathering related urban issues. This course is divided into two parts: the first part introduces basic theories such as urban economic models, and the second part analyzes related urban discussions. The main purpose is to induce students to think about related urban problems and use economic discussions to analyze urban related issues.
1.O’sullivan, A.,Urban Economics, 8th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2011.(華泰文化代理) (O)
2.Edwin S. Mills and Bruce W. Hamilton, Urban Economics, Addison-Wesley (MH)
1.Masahisa Fujita, Urban Economic Theory: Land Use and City Size, Cambridge University Press (F)
Reference books:
1.O’sullivan, A., Urban Economics, 8th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2011. (Huathai Cultural Agency) (O)
2.Edwin S. Mills and Bruce W. Hamilton, Urban Economics, Addison-Wesley (MH)
3. Select and read related documents
Other reference books:
1.Masahisa Fujita, Urban Economic Theory: Land Use and City Size, Cambridge University Press (F)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
第一次文獻選讀報告與討論(分組)第一次文獻選讀報告與討論(分組) First article selection reading report and discussion (partition) |
30 | 包含指定相關文獻之報告與課堂參與討論 |
第二次文獻選讀報告與討論(個人)第二次文獻選讀報告與討論(個人) Second article selection reading report and discussion (personal) |
40 | 包含指定相關文獻之報告與課堂參與討論 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
30 | 包含整學期之授課內容 |